Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Racoon Jay's First music video

Well if I just posted the video and said "WATCH IT" ; I would become just another seemingly advertisement blog wouldn't I?

I decided to watch the whole thing and evaluate it with my new education and concepts from my filming class.

Before I slaughter the video; and my friend de-friends me on facebook and calls me cruel; overall it's not a bad video for a beginner.

-saved for later before at this point in time I have no time....-


September Ending

Time is kinda flying by. I kinda feel like a laundry machine; toss the shit in there everyday and I will wash/rinse/repeat everyday. It's quite boring and I really don't feel quite "alive". Almost like a machine.

I take a lot of moments in the day were I just look at the sky and take a deep breathe and have a "moment" with myself. It's oddly one of the rare few things that's kind of keeping me sane and refrain from just dropping all my books/responsibilities/and just run.

I miss my allods family. I miss my Holy Cross family, I miss playing LoL, I miss not being able to see my boyfriend everyday. My heart all lies 4 hours north of me. My brain tells me everyday that this is the correct place to be if I want to have a future and career, I know this; but my heart isn't here at all.

I'm so busy, busy, busy, busy. Barely any time for procrastination or leisure time. Hell, there's barely any time to even go to the GYM. I have even come to despise people that walk in the streets wearing suites; signifying that they are "grown ups"; they are "businessmen". To me; they are the broken souls that lost their individuality to consumerism and advertisement ploys mold the mindless souls into whatever they want them to be. I pity them, but I also know it won't be long before I will be one of them. I try in the smallest ways to hold on to any and all childish and fun characteristics of myself. The rollerblades I bought give me some enjoyment and memories when I go all over campus with them. It hit home when I was at the Wilkie Cafe and the manager told me to stop coming there with rollerblades because it was a safety hazard. I almost wanted to cry and lash out at her; I think her fat ass is public indecency and MORE of a safety hazard then me on roller blades.

With getting a REAL education now; the more I learn, the more I want to look away and run. I've learned so many things; many of which I wish I did not learn. Being a communication major; we study things like the history of consumerism; we study things like the errors and mistakes of economic advertisements and in my other classes; the mistakes and errors of environmental choices. I hate it; I absolutely hate it. It's a disease and the more you learn; the more you read; the more you research, the farther the disease spreads. Until it finally reaches your heart; it reaches your core, your very being and soul; the thing that holds you together. It destroys and feasts on all your happy memories of the past and infects them to be sad and depressing foresights' of the future. The worst part is; I know it's happening. I understand what's happening; and I can't do anything about it, but just accept it. It's so much saddness.....

I won't really go into details of what I've been learning in my studies...I could go on paragraphs and essays and chapters about what I've been learning and you wouldn't be able to understand most the gibberish...

I'm afraid the loving, happy, cheerful person I was...the good ole LG that logs in and every prepares for a pervy conversation; has aged 50 years....

I'll still smile....I'll still fake a laugh...I'll still pretend I am me...but deep down...I know that I'm slowly dying.

I can say...the second you learn the die on the inside.

-LG.....hating humanity.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Quitting Phase

As school starts again for most people; I see more and more people moving on/ taking breaks/altogether quitting allods.

Thus is normal to see for my point of view. Allods has slowly turned very cash shop/vanity itemed like Megaten; so I'm hoping this epidemic of people taking breaks will be seen as, "you guys are fucking up the game." to the providers and Devs of allods. Either way, I'm sure they will notice the lack of income from overall spending (or at least I hope, never know what nooby idiots will fund their paycheck this time).

I also see more people moving on to LoL. Great game; hardly any spending and its mostly for impatient people who want to own a lot of champions; or people who want skins, or buy the runes really fast because they are yet again; impatient.

Moving on to school ; it sucks pretty hardcore. They give a ton more homework then Holy Cross; on average I read 150-200 pages a day for all my classes together and it seems my entire day is spent walking around campus to go to my classes.

There's also a lot of asians here. At Holy Cross I was THEE only asian; now I am accompanied by 2934938493 of them; in a place where asians are the MAJORITY and mexicans are the minority. As of recently I even began noticing many asians giving me dirty looks as I walk past them. I have no idea why, nor do I care. But it is annoying when you're walking out of a food court with a friend and you notice every god forsaken asian turns their head and stares at you like an anti-christ or like they got some damn asian radar. There are many who are foreign exchange students; they try very hard to block the sun from their skin; our culture signifies that pale skin means you don't work out in the sun a lot; meaning you are either very wealthy or have a white collar job. Unfortunately I'm very tan as I don't acknowledge or even follow my native culture anymore being that I am a americanized asian. Frankly I think I look sexy tan.

I do enjoy their all-access internet. Holy Cross blocked many sites and as a honest bi man; it sucks not being able to wack off to some porn. But here at IUB the need is ALLWAYS satisfied; leaving me relaxed and having a great day. Did you know that an orgasm for a male or female releases hormones in your body that are relaxers as well as endorphins. It also makes your skin softer and can slow aging. So a little tidbit of info there; my general rule is doing it once a day.

There are a lot of good looking people here too. Many times during the day my "gay" radar goes off a bazillion times. Till the point where I believe my radar is broken and that I just wished certain people were gay because they look so good. After talking with a few friends and playing a game of "does he look gay to you?", We've established that my "Gay" radar isn't broken and that infact, Bloomington is just a really REALLY gay friendly place.

Anyway, sorry for the tedious post to those that even STILL read this long overdue blog. Hope all is well and have a great day.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Eminence vs Valiance Parody

Provided by Horion; one of your guilde members shorty after the victory =]. Decided to post here for memory + to laugh at and share =P.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Out with Eminence- In with Valiance

So today Valiance took over Eminence's allod in Astral Confrontation. I also picked today as my last day of playing as well. Today as special in many ways.

GT was today- though we did not get as far as we'd hope; Layer 3 Valiance astral parties were voyaged today. Among that success I also managed to do some Layer two allods and got lucky enough to refine a legend ring today. Today signifies the beginning of our members being lvl 47 to get even more powerful and geared to push us through more GT bosses and even help other members push to get their gem quests done by giving them their layer 3 gems. Rezardi only needs around 2-4 more gems before he can do Layer 3 himself =] I hope he gets geared fast and bored so that he can work on LoveGuardian haha. I carried my toon as far as I could. Rest is up to Rezardi's free time and will determine how far behind I'll be when/if I come back lol.

I spend around an hour collecting Morte + Aqua materials in preparation for AC.

When time finally came I wasn't chosen for Main Raid; instead I was picked for defending Valiance's Allod against anything Eminence sends against us while the main raid attacks. This is understandable seeing as my last 2-3 weeks of playing allods have been less then acceptable to be geared enough for the main raid ...also my comp stinks. I only had 6 myths...5 legends and rest were epics except for 1 blue.

Anyway in the end; not only did we TAKE OVER eminence's allod we also managed to DEFEND against them as well. We started out with only around 8-10 people defending our allod and double the number of eminence members were there against us and we STILL successfully thwarted their efforts. We were outnumbered but we certainly weren't outclassed.

My FAVORITE moments were when Me and Dugrosh KD'd + Mauled the same target and we both watched them know the impeding death was upon them with not 1 but 2 open wounds on them and a morte. 2 wardens targeting 1 person is almost an ensured perma KD haha it was so magically beautiful.

In the end we earned 709 drops of amalgam that I won't ever personally be able to use from this AC defending.

A few regalias were moved around in order to accommodate what we needed to face against Eminence. After AC was over I insisted that my regalia be removed from my procession. If I picked any day to stop playing for school; today was the best day to do it...I went out with a blast and had fun for once...which is rare nowadays in Allods. I do hope Janna or Daex keep their Regalias in place of mine being lost. Bojanna also managed to kill Onor near the end of AC which just places salt on a injured wound and sweet revenge for wiggly eared Bojanna <3.

For more Lulz i logged on my reincarnation named "Onarcombo" and posing as Onor: world chatted "Next week Valiance!!! This isn't over!" haha more jokes n giggles.

All n all; great day to play and a great day to quit and prepare for school. I wish Valiance the best of luck

On a more meaningful note and different turn in moods: events have happened with Muxy and it seems that she has chosen to rest in peace then to keep fighting through painful kemo,medication, and coughing up blood. I would switch places with her in an instant. I am glad I got to appreciate those small little whispers she would send to people who log on =]. I am glad I got to have someone like her in my gaming experience as well as just to be able to know her. I cannot influence her choice but I will stand by it and ask that we all pray for Muxy and appreciate her as much as we can. It is a shame someone as nice and helpful as her got a short end of the stick but I know that the end of this life is just a beginning to another. I know wherever she will go next; they will be very lucky and blessed like we were. I think her presence and entity is so good and bright that this whatever path she goes on next; it was ment for her to touch more people then just us. Love you Muxy.


On the very last note,

Move in date for College is friday....I know I havent posted or kepted up to date lately with summer but I don't think I will be posting much during the school year either =P. Anyway wish me luck with move in date and getting to know new people!


P.S. League of Legends my 2 favorite champions are Sona + Patheon. I managed to get to lvl 21/30. I love Patheon when a support champion is around; I love playing as Sona when a tank is around =]. I consider those 2 my perfect champions.

P.S.S. Kyvek touched my tralala. Rozetri was watching while bacon was jacking him off thinking about Ghost.....I kinda feel violated. . . . but Curious was there to reassure me with his big long slong; the big dangly thing between the legs; the dildo; the eggroll; tripod; the sotomiser; the hose;the pole-like object; the pipeline;God's image of perfection; ....Sound familiar Rozetri?



Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bye Summer Break

So what have I been doing this past month? Being busy as you can predict. Kinda forgot I even had a blog ha.

I'm pretty much caught up to everyone on allods. The only thing I have lacked up to this point is my gem layer 2 quest which is only 35% done at this point in time. The majority seem to be finishing up their last few gems or close to that stage. I am behind on that because at the time my gold had to go to more pressing matters instead of turning gems in.

After the latest patch a lot of dailies got nerfed so gold farming really only comes from 2 options; heroic dailies and Ghost Hunt repeatable. Of course certain lucky moments can double/tripple your profits though...they seem to proc 2-3 times a day now for an hour or a whole day. It's pretty random.

The new refine chance system sucks big dick. Since the patch only 2 gears have upgraded from my main set. While 5 gears from my 2nd set have been upgraded; soon I'll just be forced to use the 2nd set.

They also stopped dropping Saint Brand necks and ears and renamed/released new necks/ears so my legend neck is pretty much crap now. Thank you so much allods.

Lately I have grown tired of allods. The repetitive farming and dailies are making the game less fun for me. What's worse is I am beginning to see the same stupid trend happen on allods that is happened on Megaten. Part of me is telling me to get out of the game now before mass bannings come.

If first starts out fun....challenging....aka the noob days....where you felt like you worked hard played hard and did great. Then comes vanity gear.....and you watch and laugh as others get sucked into that and dump $$$ for it. Then comes some game-breaking items...... Megaten's SS system is our refinement system in Allods...They start releasing mounts that do damage....and insane dps/health. Just like begin to see noobs that you never heard before start attaining these semi-gamebreaking items and all the sudden Cashshoping noobs > Hardworking veterans. Well what comes next? More and more people will get sucked into this vortex of cash shopping till its pay to win. Then if it's like Megaten; we shall be met with mass bannings and you will see the next 8 months of my posting be ragequits and rants/venting.

I don't know if I'm putting down allods for good yet...but I do know I need to put allods down for school. I enter Bloomington on August 19th which means I will be putting down allods within the next week.

I've enjoyed another game, League of Legends, a lot more recently now. There's no farming required, very strategy based, and it's very dependent on skill and thought process. It has many champions to choose from and many customizations to choose from as well so it definitely makes me giggle with gayness. The only thing that makes me rage about this game is being partied with noobs who continuously die over and over and over feeding the opponents.

I have enjoyed playing Malhazar the most. I played Taric for a bit because I wanted to be a support roll champion but I realized taric is TOO versatile for me....I want a cold hard support based champion. I bought Sona up for a few matchs and I'm currently learning how to use her better. I do like how she gets assists per kill and her auras are actually very good for chasing down runaways =]. I'm thinking about rolling her for good while snagging party buff items to help the party.

I also bought Twisted Fate because I like the way he looks and most people who I seen play him are very good; he seems complicated to play with as well and I do like complicated things ha.

Anyway; wish me luck in college. I'll try not to neglect my blog so much =[

Much Love,


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hai!....*Beatz you*...Bai!

Today Pearz came back for a short moment.

Everyone said hai....everyone said omg miss you....everyone said "heard awesome things about you"...even "omg pearz the o mighty great one"

.....all in all...everyone worshipped her...and enabled and gave her all the ego that she demanded =P.
(I guess blogging about it also further enhances this fact of her greatness doesnt it? haha I'm just as guilty as the rest =P)

I got to pit my Sacredsunrise against her warden; Thaze.

Needless to say the first few matches were really just warmups since pearz had to learn how to play again.

then after a few rounds I got my butt handed to me on a silver platter.

Only when I switched gears to full str and used a str pot did I even stand a chance against her.

As Rozetri said when facing me: "You're built to kill me."

Pearz's Thaze was literally "built" to kill me XD.

Call of the Wild...those 3 nasty lil pussaykitties just ate me and through my barriers. The whole deciding factor in the match was if I could survive the next 57 seconds of hell from those poor kitties....and i can tell you know about 80% of the time I didnt survive haha.

The only time I ever won was if my Surge could do a full heal and allow me to focus on hitting more.

It also didn't help that Thaze had lvl 2+3 runes....I cried when combat log showed : "Surge has healed you for 4k (critical strike) 5k resisted 4k nullified (good fking game)."

Other times Surge healed 18k (after I went full str gears) and was a insta-win button.

Overall: Thaze was built to kill me...haha...and I lost ....the endgame score was like Pearz 15 - LG 5.

So it was nice....pearz came back....gave me a licking...and made killing me look like a piece of cake ...with one hand....then left...making me QQ....

....oh allods god...can you PLZ for the christ of love....fix our pally wands?

Nice seeing you again Pearz!


P.S......I want your cc chips LG needs better runes. True story.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pray for Muxy

So Muxy, one of the oldest players in Allods, has some health issues and its life-threatening.

Bit of a background; Muxy has been around allods since beta times and is one of the most cheerful players I know. Definitely goes out of her way to help others and is always there to lend a hand. I know she always donated whatever she could for guild donations as well and whenever people log on she would always whisper them a "hello!" (frankly I thought I was the only special one but nope lol she was nice to everyone).

As of recently she's in the hospital I believe and undergoing a lot of treatments. I know Kyvek is really close to her so she knows a lot more details then the rest of the guildies do.

So what is the point of this post you may wonder? Some venting...maybe even some remorse and pity.

I find myself as I always do in many points of my life where I want to help and DO more to help but all I can do is stand and watch...maybe I watch someone crumble before me (or in this case I really hope that she overcomes this obstacle).

Anyway, I hope Muxy knows that she's not alone...and that there are a lot of people who are in the same position I'm in; unable to do anything but would trade places with her in an instant. I hope she knows that she really isn't alone and that we all DO have bonafide feelings and concerns for her health.

I thought I'd share what she wrote to the guildmates;

Take Two, Many...
At this moment I find myself crying, I've been doing this on and off since last evening. My eyes feel like they're burning inside-out, and the notebook's screen is a little hazy. I've been trying to focus my thoughts with all the energy I have left. I tried muscle relaxing techniques, but it made my stomach pains much more unbearable.

The nurses where loading me up on sedatives to help with some of the pain and insomnia last night. After a while I was able to pass out, if only for a few minutes at a time. I'm very drained, and very depressed.

It was a little before 4 AM when I started to write this entry. I started to sleep around 11 PM, and have been waking up every 40 minutes to throw up more blood... To deal with this, one of the nurses came in and mentioned how they'll have to change my diet so I can't eat anything. Not even a liquid diet. My nausea has to lessen some first. I guess that's a good thing.. Less things in my stomach will be less things coming back up >.< Except most of it is blood anyway.

Sigh... I'm only allowed to have ice chips.

I would like to say all of this isn't very painful and that it isn't very excruciating. At the same time I would like to write out several pages on how badly it hurts, so I can vent. But to put things shortly, I would rather just die.

But I can't just die.. I just can't.... I have someone I love so very dearly. Someone who is holding every piece of my heart in there hands. Someone who means much more to me than this whole world ever could... The things I could write about her... I think I'll have to save these things for another entry, or several other entries.

I want to cherish these few minutes I have before I have to start both of my treatments. I want to try and enjoy this very small moment of peace that's buried in between everything that hurts.

I have absolutely no idea how I am going to make it through today. Chemo by itself is a pure Hell.. but the extreme nausea I get from the radiation therapy and how it effects the degenerative cells in my stomach.... Sigh..


All I ask of you is to please keep Muxy in your prayers


Thursday, June 23, 2011

2x exp gain event in 3 hours.

So the Allods fan page on facebook got their stupid 62,000 fans and are implementing the 2x exp even all week.

Loveguardian is 450k form lvling to its kinda a smack to the face haha.

I have been raising my alt "SacredSunrise" a bit. He's a lvl 27 pally now. I intend to keep him lvl 27-28 forever as a lowbie pvp contender. (speaking of which there are some pretty dumb imps who feel empowered when they can kill you 9 vs 1. At the same time we got some very twatwaffling leaguers to feel the need to come and gank lowbies when they are lvl 30s. It's kinda frustrating).

Anyway my pally is a pure holy pally; no finesse. Frankly I consider my pally the strongest lowbie pally there is. I faced Tri's pally alt around a week ago and lost horribly but after some stat changes and a Water of Death for a build change; I faced him last night with an undeniable win each time. The most Game-breaking thing about my pally is the surge. The Surge is rank 2 accompanied by r3 canons allowing me to spam Surge if required to do so. Each surge is a 7-10k heal (mind you my hp atm is only 13k). I even managed to duke it out with Rezardi's scout; Rezscout and the ratio to beating him is about 1/1 and he's 1 lvl above me and can use 45 str pots while I mingle with 23 str pots. The funny and most sad thing about my pally is his ability to rape people of the same level with higher runes. I've seen, faced, and killed many leagues/imps who have WAY higher runes then I do (I only have lvl 1 runes).

My plans for this pally are to find someone capable of making lvl 27-28 purple epic pieces to make my pally .... (whatever is above being OP).

Anyway tomorrow I will be lvl 46 on Loveguardian and will need ANOTHER water of death to re-arrange my build. I don't exactly know what I will do this time; but I do know it needs to be balanced for pvp and pve cuz I do not want to respect every week for GT and AC.

I also got my regalia (thank you Rozetri) and I will admit fullheartidly that it has made my life considerably easier. This one week alone I got my first Myth pants, and 2 new legend pieces (head and shirt). I'm becoming more balanced stat-wise and really the only thing holding me back form full potential at this point is the dam lag I get from mass pvp QQ. I spend all my keys every week to get all the gear I can. I'm finally starting to feel like I am catching up to certain individuals and even caught up to others.

Now if only I can complete that gem quest.....

P.S. Quadrillax added me on facebook. Bro-mance > Rezardi's bro-mance. Sorry rezardi =P..


Saturday, June 11, 2011


*points up at title* yep. Today Valiance guild took down noggy. I believe it took 5-6 tries and a few respects and shifting in the parties but they managed to bring noggy down in the end.

The drop was a Caster Leather and Kyvek got it in the end based on DKP. Just wanna say gratz to all of em for the hard work.

I also finally got my ventrillo working so I get to hear everyone haha. All I can say is it's quite the sausage fest and Anak has a VERY sexy accent haha.

One last thing: Ninim made a summarized video of the Astral Confrontation of taking over Reborns allod. I'd thought I'd share it with you guys =P. Enjoy!


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Where's my Ruby?!

So I'm lvl 45 now on Allods. Rezardi and I have both been playing LoveGuardian and managed to gear him slowly from astraling. I still consider him a bit undergeared but he can still pull off a nice dps (when I'm not lagging to hell) despite his low mediocre stats.

I managed to get Juggs rank in PvP at the Arena of Death. I went to the npc that gave the extra ruby and he didn't give me the quest for it. I was and still am mildly upset about it. I REALLY wanted that extra ruby to help my build.

I also bought 3k of gpotatos but it was a day too late for the chip sale. Instead I spent 1k on 2 Water of Deaths (one to change the build....and another to change it back after I found out the initial build sucked haha). I also bought a bigger bank so Rezardi can stop throwing quest items out of my bag for room for astral gear haha. I still have 1k left but I'm saving it for something that I really might need in the future. (still waiting on that 2nd ear slot Gpotatos)

I been slowly trying to get my guild loyalty up to 100 so I could get my regalia. I find it a bit insulting that I actually haven't gotten it yet. I joined clan rain , the same guild as the Rozetri during the days of Pearz leadership. During my schooling there was a merger between multiple guilds and they created Valiance. I joined right back up the day I got back to allods after school was done and right when I got my loyalty near 100, school started again and I had to put the game down. (meaning slowly but surely my loyalty dropped back to 10 due to inactivity).

Now I returned and I'm working my way back up to 100 loyalty, but it's slow and tedious. Especially when I can't complete one of the quests due to not having a ship to astral on; but I've been with this guild leader (and guild) for about 2 years now. I think the loyalty factor is already there; just not on paper. Sorry that I'm not using Symbols of Glory to cheat my way to 100 or anything but comon? I don't know; I just feel insulted and a big neglected by not having a Regalia. By the time I get 100 loyalty I think school will start again and my loyalty will drop AGAIN due to inactivity....really? I just feel a bit slapped in the face. All I want from the regalia is the minor stat boosts and to be able to AC with the guild; be actually INVOLVED with the guild like I'm contributing something. Not feeling like some leecher or garbage on the sidewalk that they only keep around because I give awesome beer.

Gpotato also initiated a password policy. You must change your password every 3 months now. I already changed mine but I find it a bit annoying to do. They also spam this BIG RED MESSAGE IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR FUCKING SCREEN TO BUY STUFFIES FROM THEM that annoys the hell out of me especially when I'm in the middle of killing mobs or questing.

It's a bit hard to generate or save any money in this game. There are A LOT of money sinks in here and it feels like any money you make; there's always a money sink somewhere to gobble it up (aka refining - gemstones - runes - myprh - ship - pots - mount feed, ect ,ect ,ect). I don't know how I am going to save up money for something I want/need with all these leeches sucking on my money.

Anyway, when things settle and I get further into my wold mysteries and better gear I might settle down a bit and work on other stuff. I been wanting to do my trainer quests for that ruby. I heard it was ridiculous but I managed to download that gemfinder addon to make life x10 easier.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Back to Allods Update

Well since school has been out; I've literally cooped myself up at home and played allods as much as I can. I must say I am a little bit disheartened and disappointed that it is summer and ever since school has been out; it's been windy, chilly, and cloudy. I do not intend on playing allods as much as I currently am but with the weather as it stands; I lack motivation to do any other activity.

I played allods the second I got home. There was a lot of catching up to do. There is SEVERE inflation in the Auction House market combined with greedy players. It is also turning into a game where "Whoever buys the most wins" which to me is almost a reason to drop the game now.

Nevertheless I grinded away and after a week and a half; I went from a warden who had full epics and was still undergeared - to a lvl 44 warden who has completed his time traveler rep. and expidentary corp. rep.

One thing I am gritting my teeth about is the 2nd ear slot option that you can only get after opening radiant boxes (cash shop item) and receiving XX amount of coins to get the 2nd ear slot. Mind you, a 2nd ear slot makes quite a big difference in stat distribution.

There is also a 30% discount on chip sale which I am mildly debating on dumbing some cash in. I'm not sure if I want to do it or if I will at all but it does seem like an opportune time.

I will reach lvl 45 soon and unlock my 2nd tier spells and the first thing I will go for is the version 2 Aqua Vitae. I also need to get my LONG LONG overdue Judge ruby and trinket (it's the ruby that's the important thing) and with that ruby I'll finish off my rank 3 Natural Balance.

Also at lvl 45; I'll be able to astral again. Who knows what gears I will get and also how much more OP I will get. With this new patch, wardens are now the biggest DPS of all classes. I chuckle at the days when we were a joke now.

Rezardi has been helping me loads as well though so I can't take tons of credit. He's already lvl 45 and astraling but I'll be catching up hopefully. He's been nice enough to send me caster gear that he comes across and I did manage to use a few of them.

As I was NPCing most of my gears after I got the rep. gears. I looked at the last old piece I had left and decided to keep it for sedimental reasons. It was my Shirt gear. It was the oldest and one of the first epic pieces I got from astraling with Pearz, Rho, and Cody. I kinda miss em so instead of npcing the shirt; I stored it in my bank for good memories.

Allods aside; my boyfriend is on vacation in California and won't be back till this Monday. Kinda miss him. He pretty much thinks he won the jackpot with me and has no intentions of leaving me which is good because I value loyalty. However he's also the less level-headed one of the two of us. I realize we've only been together since the end of February; which isn't long. I'm still unsure of our future and my feelings for him. I think time will only tell. He's a great catch and good guy (just like the last one). Just like my ex he is also in the closet. I'm not asking to have buttsex in the middle of the street; but it'd be nice to hold hands in public or just do stuff together in public view without caring instead of concealing behind closed doors. This is what broke me and my ex up...and it's the same problem here. I think eventually we will need to have a talk but for now; I'm content.

P.S. Muxy, Ejac, and Rozetri still play allods. Love you Muxy =P

P.S.S. I am entrolled into University of Bloomington in the fall. I already know I'm going to miss my Holy Cross College friends but I'm excited and nervous for Bloomington. God knows I'll visit HoCro throughout the year though.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Free at Last!

Finished college today. I am currently sitting next to about 8 bags of clothes and possessions. I'll be returning home in about an hour or two. Transferring from one prison to another.

I am so very anxious on getting back to allods. I don't even think I'll be unpacking. I've also gotten my boyfriend interested in allods as well, not sure how this will play out but I do have Sacred Sunrise; a pally holy build alt waiting if he wants to duo.

Ironic because allods has gay marriage now.

If you're wondering why I havent talked about this particular man; it's cuz I was never sure on where we were going. Though things seem to be more deeper now. I'm not sure if our relationship will last when I go to bloomington; but rest assured he's set the bar very high.

Anyway now that I'm free from college; my only concern is what my final grades are, getting my license, and working on my bloomington registration classes lol.

This summer will most definitely be a blast.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Finals Week/ Hell Week.

I always find it ironic how I end up in predigamentaly ironic situations. Out of 5 finals; I am exempt from 4 of them. Unfortunately, I have a C+ in Public Relations; my grades in his quizzes being D-A-D-A-C-B. I know there's a trend. So even though I don't have to take this final; I have to in order to raise that C+ into maybe a B- or even a B.

Then there's my psychology final which I also don't need to take. However as it currently stands I have a B in that class. Her rules are that if you are exempt; your final can replace your lowest test score. Out of 4 tests; my lowest test score was a 40% due to the fact that I studied chapter 5+6 over a test on chapters 3+4 (supreme failure). So I have to take the final to replace that score and all I need is a 70% to get an A-.

Lastly there is a retarded chemistry final I have to take which I am not exempt from. This final is where I will need a miracle due to the fact that I think I have a C or a D in the class (or I'm being paranoid.)

Anyway, I cannot wait to head back to allods when I get back and school is over.

I was on a few days ago just to say high and catch up. I feel really unmotivated to play catch up with my warden again. Everyone is level 45 while I linger at lvl 42.

I love my pally alt way more then my own warden at this point. I finally got Sacred Sunrise on him and it is absolutely devastating. Most of the mobs die in 2 hits; retribution > Sacred Sunrise. No runes yet either.

I wonder if I can get my pally to be my main cuz it is way more fun.

P.S. . . . . how the hell do you make gold with this new patch? I was looking at the rep gear in the new land: 391 gold per epic piece? There has to be some way of obtaining that largely amount of gold without farming right? . . . .Someone please share cuz the price tags alone make me want to give up on my warden. Not to mention I still linger at lvl 4 runes...I'd like to fund them at least to lvl 6.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1 year older

It was my birthday last Monday; the day after Easter haha.

I turned 20 and now I'm at the uncomfortable age of not being old enough to drink but also but too old to be considered a teenager. Kinda a drag.

There's one and a half weeks left of school and I will be returning to allods. The patch is killing me with excitement as I really want to discover new and more meaningful builds with my warden. I also want to work on my pally and have a friend who is joining it with me.

Our lacrosse team has only lost one game so far; we're heading to the championship finals. Our last games are this saturday and if we win; the championship game on sunday.

I hope to dear lord that we win championship again. It would be a nice way to end my years at Holy Cross College as I transfer to IU bloomington in the fall.

Anyway, Love you Rezardi


P.S. Pearz should stop watching Anime and posting about it.....I miss the bragging and gloatings, and critisizements of other players. O wellz

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Freshmen Failure

So this year, 3/4 of our lacrosse team is freshmen. 1/3 of those freshmen is their first year playing. Though it is not the "freshmen" aspect that makes me cringe in pain every time I hear the word; it is the actions of a good number of those freshmen that make me frustrated.

To start off, I can remember my freshmen year on the team. I would fill the water bottles, fetch the balls, do head counts, and occasionally get the med kit. I did what was required of me to help my teammates and there was no questions asked. Whatever the captain told me to do; I followed orders.

I didn't harbor any ill-will or resentments. In a way, I think of it as a right of passage to the team for the freshmens' to carry such duties.

Now with this year's freshmen - Getting water or picking up balls is like a death sentence. Everyone tries to avoid it, as though if it's a shark and all the freshmen are guppies trying to get away.

Another point I harshly dislike and notice is that most the freshmen carry themselves and talk as if THEY won the championships. They weren't even in this college institution when we won our championships last year. They were in no way, shape, or form had any hand in our accomplishment. Yet today here they stand, talking like they won, like they are the reason we won, as if trying to establish that they are the top of the popularity food chain; making it high school all fking over again when they seriously need to grow up.

What angers me more is the amount of stuff we got this year from endorsements like Nike and Adidas. Last year we got sweats and a sweatshirt; that's all.

This year we got fully tricked out, and it was the freshmen who are reaping all the benefets; full uniforms, black warm up jackets and pants, sweater, sweats, long and short sleeve shirts, pennies, and each with a very own duffle bag.

Our freshmen have honestly been spoiled; seem to lack the concept of hard work, or any seriousness at all with how badly the upperclassmen want to win championships again.

Another thing is a lack of talent. There are a handful that it is their first year playing. They are currently more of a liability then any sort of asset to the team. I don't understand how they can pretend that they are the "shit", when...they aren't.

Thus leading to the bulk of my frustration. Last Sunday half the freshmen appeared to our game either still drunk, or hung over from the night before. Knowing that there is a game today; yet deciding to be irresponsible while not one of our upperclassmen partied.

The upperclassmen understand the severity of how bad we want to win championships again. We lust and hunger for it, some of them even experienced disappointment of not winning championships and the desire to win is greater then my own. I had the luxury of not experiencing this disappointment, but I still carry myself responsibly because I treat the team as a family; and I don't want to let them down.

As we faced off Ohio State, we ended up losing to stupid errors. 5-10 was the end-score. Majority of the goals lost were stupid errors that the flat-footed freshmen made due to their inebriation. They have the mind-set thinking "the upperclassmen will take care of it for us, we don't have to worry."

Now here we currently stand, Holy Cross College Lacrosse Team; almost our ENTIRE first line offense is injured from overexertion; sprain ankles, broken rib, runner's knee. I'm also recovering from a sprain ankle along with 2 others.

Guess who aren't injured one bit? Yep, all of the freshmen. Now here we stand with first year freshmens playing Lacrosse, and they are the ones who need to step up to the plate and try and fill our veterans shoes because we are all injured from trying to pick up the slack.

I can already see this plane crashing and I think coach realize's this harsh truth too after today's horrid practice. A freshmen never talks back to captains, coach , or seniors; today there was so much backtalking over a simple drill that we ended practice early with a scolding from coach.

Not saying -ALL- the freshmen are irresponsible. There are a handful who have done their contributions, are attentive, and follow the rules and I can recognize them and give credit where it is due, but the majority have been spoiled and are still in the mindsetting that this is a high school sport and have no concept of teammates being comrades, a family, and that your actions will affect the outcome of others. If we can't function as a family and there is so much disagreements; we're going to fall apart. It doesn't matter how talented or how bad we upperclassmen want to win championships again, if the freshmen don't shape up and contribute a simple task of keeping possession of the ball in a game so that our upperclassmen can catch a breath, we're going to end up where we are now; a bunch of injured veterans, and freshmen that are incapable of filling their shoes.

I don't know how this season is going to play out; and I have my doubts on if we are going to win championships. But this is probably the worst attitudes I have seen in a team ever. There have been times where I have contemplated quitting but out of the love for the sport, and respect for my seniors who certainly don't deserve that, I'll suck it up for now.

-Unrelated note: I haven't done a damn thing with my enrollment or housing for Bloomington in the fall. I keep trying to get on it but there is so much homework that I literally don't have the time.


Friday, April 1, 2011

More Musical Times of LoveGuardian

Yesterday was Open Mic Night. Pretty much a Talent show with no winner.

I decided to be ambitious and play Apologize by One Republic. I registered to play at 7pm and after class it was 8:15 pm.; the concert started at 9pm haha. Didn't have much time to learn it.

These are actually on my facebook, I already can't wait for the next Open Mic Night.

Not sure if you have watched the "Sexy Sax Man" but a friend wanted me to pull off something like that. Since today is april fools, I did happen to run around playing this song without getting in trouble haha. But I also played this at Open Mic night WHILE Ripsticking. If you don't know what a Rip Stick is, just imagine a skateboard with 2 wheels on it instead of 4. Watch out Sexy Sax Man, you got stiff competition from me.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Musical Times of LoveGuardian

So we had a pageant show at Holy Cross College. I decided to enter.

I was suppose to be a shoe in for the win, but I lost to a guy who rapped an original song that bashed Holy Cross.

The 4 judges were; the dean of students, vice president and president of holy cross, the chairmen of billing/payments, and lastly our president of SGA (student government association).

For some reason; they all think the winner should be a rapper who's white and bashing the institution you represent.

O well, in the end I got runner up and many people thought I was awesome.

I ended up playing "Goodnight Julia" from Cowboy Bebop. The end was something that I did for a friend last minute just for him.

*Clickity Click Click*


Friday, March 25, 2011

Woops! forgot about this.

Wow time has flown. I have been so busy.

FASFA was due a couple weeks back. I sent mine in and they gave me a scholarship because I met the requirements. More for me ^.^.

Our first lacrosse game is going to be this saturday in Ann Arbor, Michigan somewhere. It's a 3 hour drive there...and another three hours back. We will have 2 games this day back to back.

If we lose both games, we are out of the championship run, which will suck.

I have about 1 month and a half left of college before break comes. I need to buckle down a lot for my grades. I do miss allods a bit haha.

I hope the month will breeze by like this one did. Anyway, I'm still alive and doing well.

On a last note:my friend FINALLY uploaded his songs on youtube for all to hear. plz listen to me and comment your opinions on his music/like em/oogle over em/be amazed.

Racoon Jay's Channel


P.S. aeriagames sent me an email today about stupid promotions and crap..its like as though if they want me back hahaha. I got about 30 or so e-mails that must have been saved up or something and they forgot to send em...most were promotions;topic following (from like the ancient ages) and stupid stuff....Sorry aeria...I ain't playing your shit anymore.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Despressing events

So Lately I been a bit depressed.

Lacrosse was going well for a while but lately with juggling of school, lacrosse,gym, and a social life, with homework. It's getting harder.

I have felt like I have gotten WORSE wit each passing day and it's taking its toll on me emotionally.

My dad is leaving for China again and left me with 500 bucks to survive spring break until he gets back. I'm not sure where I'll be staying or who I'll he staying with.

Currently the plan is to ask the dean of residence to stay on campus all of break and go work out at The Rock at Notre Dame all day all week to get as buff as I can in that short week

Not exactly how a spring break should be spent but lately I haven't been in chipper moods.

The new allods patches make me want to quit, tough I hope they wont all come at once and maybe I can tolerate it if they come over the span of a few years.

Me and Steve aren't really seeing each other anymore. We kissed and I didn't really feel any sparks. I'm also not one who's going to chase someone or stalk em so since he stopped txting me I won't ponder about why and just move on.

Idk what I'm missing in my life but it feels like I been empty for the last couple days and I can't seem to decipher why is this the case.

I'm so done with Holy Cross College.

I got a E-mail 2 days ago from IU Bloomington and it said I got accepted so I am DEFINITELY heading there this fall after this semester is over.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hate school

self explanatory.

I'm not on allods much if at all anymore. I play more on my alt (Sacredsunrise) then Loveguardian anymore.

My alt is a pally and for now my idea is to go the SS build route. he kills things really fast.

Doesn't really even need incense but I use it anyway because with incense everything gets 2-3 hit haha.

I got my friend to play it because Vindictous is down for the count as of lately. He is rolling a mage on the tennesse server as well so I'll be able to help him a bit.

Went on my first date in a very long time last night. The guy was pretty swell. Names Steve and he's 22, about 2 inches taller then me and has the most cutest blue eyes ever (Since we all know I fall head over heals to blue/green eyes). For now he goes to IUSB.

Me and Synthess had a talk over the phone about my sexuality last night. I told her I had a 3 strike rule before switching genders. 3 girls,....then switch and go through three guys and repeat. Not saying I'm a whore or anything; hell I haven't even completed this cycle yet. I already had three girlfriends...just happened to be that my last ex lasted a year before it crashed and burned. So I think this Steve is number two. I like him a lot actually. We're going to be seeing the movies on thursday which I find slightly romantic ha. He's also thinking about applying to IU Bloomington for his master's degree which is where I want to go in the fall so I gotta say I found myself quite a keeper. I got those butterfly feelings so while I'm on cloud 9 I hope and really really hope he likes me back haha.

Anyway, School sucks. I feel robotic, depressing, and horrid. I think Steve though may be able to keep me occupied haha.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Doing this for a friend

He's a friend of mine.

Aspiring musician and I consider him pretty talented. If you ever hear his vision for music you would know that he has a purpose in life and that he will eventually be an important impact in life.

Anyway, all he really needs is people to listen to his music, be a fan, and find someone in the music business crazy enough to take a chance and listen to his songs and back him up.

Anyway, 1 step at a time. I just want to help spread his music.

If you like his music, be a fan and just support is all I ask. It's pretty good music. I personally the song: "Sick"

The songs are downloadable so that just makes it easier for you to hook it into your itunes library and Ipod and spread the song.

Click here to go to facebook page.

For now, he's an underground artist.

If there's the smallest thing I can do , it could at least be helping getting his songs known by a measly blog which I assume barely anyone reads anymore haha.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So...ended up dropping my ND concert band for lacrosse practice.

I may have fractured/sprained my thumb yesterday. Stepped on it while doing suicides at practice.

Being single isn't so bad. Actually it was quite liberating.

I have SOO much free time now. Didn't help that the once awesome boyfriend evolved into some nasty meticulously harass-fully hateful person.

For now I'm just focusing on friends and lacrosse...and Gym lol.

I'm going to get my thumb splinted today so I can still play and practice.

My roommate is unofficially moving out. His shit is still around my room but he's never here. Kinda stupid cuz I want him to take his crap with him so I can have this double room to myself and shove the beds together lol. Not to mention whatever the shit he has is starting to mold and smell the room.

I just want this room to be mine and clean haha.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Too Good to be True.

As of today at 12:22 am this morning. I became a single man.

Schools been really hard. I had 21 credits and ended up dropping 2 classes because of too much workload. I picked up 1 class again so I stand here with 17 credits for the semester.

Lacrosse started yesterday. Despite my workouts- I still found myself aching and sore today. But at least I can say I am not as sore as most of the team is haha.

I'm sick right now...the ND kids that took the conditioning test for lacrosse with us gave us the cold/flu.

So my (ex)-boyfriend Jeff didn't like that I was taking so many classes and didn't like that I was leaving for Bloomington which essentially implied that I would be leaving him.

It didn't help my case that I went looking on a site that shall not be named just to see who was out there. I didn't hook-up with anyone or anything of that sort. I stand by my monogamous morals. Just wanted to see really who was out there. But he "magically" found my profile on the site and assumes I screwed with everyone in the country. #1, so much for trust. #2 stalker? what the fuck were you doing on the site anyways? #3 If I caught anything, he would have it too..Unless he did some messing around behind my back. In which case he should really gtfo.

Seeing as this is my first relationship...I really don't know how I'm feeling right now haha. I thought I was suppose to be sad. Something along those lines. But right now it's more like a "whatever" and "good luck finding someone better then me" as well as "you'll come running back to me in a week" type feelings. What irks me like no other is that our 1 year anniversary is in 3 days. This friday. Somewhere in the back of my head. My pessimistic nature implies that I was nothing more then some boy toy to him anyway. Sad thing is I'm finding justifications to it.

I have a feeling he's going to be txting and calling within a few days (well he's already been txting now but I been ignoring). I'm sure he's going to give me a 2nd chance or something, but I'm not going to really take that offer. You don't know what you got till it's gone. I think he (as well as I) need to understand that concept. We've been together for a year...and in that year all we did was stay at his place. Nothing romantic, nothing "spur of the moment". He said we'd go see movies, he said we'd go skiing. Nothing.

I don't need him to paint me a pretty picture of false hopes. Which might be why I'm taking this break up really lightly.

O well. I think for now I'll stay single for the remainder of this semester and just focus on friends and school....o just started....god what a long semester this is going to be.

I miss allods. I really want that lvl 45 cap patch and I really really wanna play and farm for lvl 8-10 runes haha.

I was playing Dantes Inferno on Xbox 360 yesterday. Was borrowing the game and console from a friend who lives on campus. He's quite the game addict.

Anyway the game was awesome. Lots of customizations lol.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First/second day of school

Other then going through Allods withdrawl, I been good. Some friends been tossing the lacrosse ball around waiting for practices to start and I have been joining them. Nice to have some player bonding before the season starts. I think it promotes communication to be useful ingame.

First day of classes sucked balls. We got to leave early though. Most first day classes are just professors passing out their rules, syllabus, grading policies, ect. I think my Tuesday/Thursday pofessors will be nice.

Then I had band practice around 6pm-7:30pm at Notre Dame. I missed dinner because of I ordered Jimmy Johns haha.

Today is the second day of school, resorting to my mon-wed-fri days. I have 4 classes today from 11 am - 4pm and then my last class at 7pm (FUCKK MEEE).

O well, Hopefully the professors will be nice.

We got around 35 new transfer students this semester. No new I'm still the only asian.

my ex-roommate (the gay one) from last semester got kicked out of school here (HAHAHA). The 2 new incoming transfers took his room. So far I met one of them. He seems very socially out-going. Kinda cute too, kinda have a crush on him but I'm sure I'll get over it. His roommate though seems...jocky and...belligerent but I shouldn't assume because I haven't talked with him. O well, wish me luck on my 2nd day of school....miss allods lol.


P.S. Pearz...Ejac..if either of you logged on my account....I farmed a little bit before leaving...there should be enough gold to make a lvl 4 rune. There is 2 lvl 3 runes in my bank deposit. I didnt have enough time to npc the UTT drops. Just saying the resources are available to make that last lvl 4 rune without spending any resources to do so. Have fun.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Fixed my build today with a WoD. Fucking epic build now. Bought my WoD from Gorgs, my best client in the manwhoring department. I flirt with him on a daily basis because of the sole reason that he is married and straight as an arrow. (P.S. this is a joke)

I am now very high up on the DPS boards for normal herioc parties. Ranging from 1-3 top dps haha.

Was a good way to end my allods experience.

Saw 5 windsong legendaries distributed today. Very fucken depressing because Windsong gears BELONG to wardens haha.

O well, Pearz wants my warden account too now. I may or may not have distributed it to her. Hope she doesn't change my gender and name. (or my build...that build is fking epic and well worth the WoD).

Still didn't get my lvl 4 rune sets. Missing one and I don't think Ejac or Pearz have the willpower or pacience to farm in UTT for that last rune. Idk how I'm going to do it but we'll see.

As I try to force allods out of my head, it becomes overflowed with 2 things. Lacrosse...and



Last day in Allods

So I farmed my ass off, I am now sitting with 4 4 4 4 4 1 runes (which ones not like the other?). Today is my last day to farm around 600ish g haha.

I also talked with pearz the other day voicing my distain for the shred move (cost 15 energy on the effing bear and he's out of energy so fast).

As I thought, I was used as an expiremental hampster haha. She "Thought" it was a strong move cuz it seemed strong on her alt. But nevertheless it did show me that the pet grid is buffed a lot.

I "Want" to buy another WoD and fix my build to a alternative build me and pearz saw apporpriate but seeing as today is my last day to farm. I would need around 1200g farmed TODAY in order to get both the last lvl 4 rune AND WoD.

For now I think I'll go after the WoD to fix my build. Make it easier for Ejac to play it haha. But I will be slightly sad that I won't be able to have a full set of lvl 4 runes.

Took me 1 week to go from lvl 1 to lvl 4s haha. Moved pretty fast if I don't say so myself.

Anyway, school's starting tomorrow. I am excited about the new experiences and lacrosse starting but I am also sad that I have to leave allods behind.

Hopefully I will come back around spring break.


Monday, January 10, 2011


School starts next week. Might be putting away allods again for school.

I finally re-specced into Pearz's suggested build and atm it feels very very weird. Different play-style for sure.

My old spec made me the main dps and my bear just a secondary. On the DPS meter I would usually be around 60-80% while the bear picked up the rest.

With the new specc its a bit harder to control. One could say its more complicated now because after using the bear's energy so much you must put it to rest. And the best times to spam his energy low is when Great Hunt is on, so in that 25 seconds you gotta spam as much as you can with Shred. Then Ethernal Calm him to recharge.

It's a bit more harder to control this build but overall I prefer this build because it is more complicated.

I don't want to keep spamming fucking Wolf Blow every 3 seconds. Now on the DPS meter it shows me at around 40-60% and the bear is around half my DPS.

So far I got 3 3 3 3 3 1 runes on me. Discovered that I could still farm upper TT at lvl 41 so I been spamming it for the last 2 days to afford my WoD and chips for runes.

I think if I stick at it until school starts I will be covered in lvl 4 runes but again...I think I will have to drop Allods for school.

Ejac owns like 2934893843 characters lol, I might contemplate letting him play with my warden until I get back. We'll see.

Tried installing Boot Camp yesterday on Mac to get allods running and it's stupid and I'm not exactly very tech-savvy so I'm going to try Parrellels program tomorrow.

-Real Life Update-

we got 40 inches of snow in the last 2 days. Fuck my life.

Going skiing today with Jeff, gonna be awesome.

P.S. Our Guild Officer Ghost was drooling over my pics the other day. Pervert =P


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Poor High School Kids.

Well first off, Happy New Year if no one noticed.

My New Year Resolution: Gain 15-20 pounds of muscle and get a 3.7-4.0 GPA.

High Schoolers starts school again yesterday. I felt sorry. Cuz me and my fellow colleagues have 2 more weeks of break to get fat and lazy before the tediously busy schedule resumes.

I picked up allods again around 2 days ago after spending a lot of time with my close friend's family. Finally started building up my runes. So far I have 2 lvl 3 runes and well it's better then nothing haha.

Gotten use to melee 2 hand wardens now, Pearz was nice enough AGAIN to help me out with my build again and give some pointers that I shall be taking and re-speccing to once I get the money for a WoD. The build she gave me was basically DPS pwnage and it does go against some of my own preferences (they are practical though just not my cup of tea) but hey, If I want to be better I got to change whether I like it or not eh?

I kinda want to make an alt healer but I know that would take months of training. Which reminded me of Faustleiche and how we both kinda quit after that patch.

Well Faust, bro man if you're reading this. You should come back. It's not as bad now. They have daily quest for your incense that lasts all day as well as a daily quest for holy charms(and pots), so you can function not paying a dime of real money. If not, Lezar wants a healer to duo with, and I want a healer alt but lack the energy and time to raise one XD. Mine letting me borrow your healer? haha, I'd rather have you back though.

Me and Jeff's 1 year anniversary is approaching (January 28th). Time certainly passed. We had some ups n downs but overall I love my smoochymoopypoopykins.

Btw if anyone knows how to run allods on a MAC I would greatly appreciate it. So far I have heard of "duel boost" and ....blarg i forgot the other name but yea....I plan on taking allods back with me to college haha.

Now if you'll excuse me I shall be grinding back to allods for my lvl 42 lol.