Monday, March 29, 2010

Busy Life, FML

Well, I haven't had the time to fight back for my account.

They responded to my recent RT I sent in, I played all my trump cards in this RT just to find out in summary "They are useless arguements because the specific reason for my banning had of no relevance to the reasons they were leading me to believe was the reason for my banning" (aka they made me believe it was reason A and when I argue that reason A is false, they switch it and say it was because of reason B)

I am busy for this and last week, So I can't really respond back at this moment. Needless to say, my logic professor has taken notice of this awesome game because of my hassling of him to review my logical arguements with me before sending in my RTs. (He of course won't be playing because I have given him my baised views of how unfair Aeria is being right now with my account, until I am unbanned of course.)

On a real life note:

Our Lacrosse Team from Holy Cross College had 3 games last Sunday.

We won all three games, and still remain undefeated. You can keep track of us here. (they didn't update yet, so for the moment its still 4-0-0. But our college site updated it)

We will have 2 more games this Saturday as well as this week happens to be the FML week with tests and essays so Aeria can have a 1 week break of my annoyance with RT's.

This whole banning situation is like a snowball effect. There is so much evidence, counter evidence, arguements, and stories all gathered up that its all just one big shithole of a snowball.

IMO both sides are at fault if I wanted to be fair, but in my eyes, Aeria could have handled this so much better, but instead have sent me in numerous circles and still are.

What gets me most worked up is that even if I do argue my points, ultimately, they can just say "No, we don't like you, your banned."

Don't think so? It's in thier ToS:


Great, It is an awesome feeling knowing that someone(maybe you) could have spend a shitload of REAL MONEY on this game and at any given point in time, AGE can terminate your account(hell lets exaggerate), and bann the whole community, take your money and run leaving you with the sign "You've just been Rick-Rolled". One click and your whole pixel world comes crashing and dissapears....

well, I'll post a continuation of the banning situation later, there's way to many details in it to post here, it would make it one hell of a long ass blog.

LG- tired, studying, trying to maintain his life, which aeria seems to think I don't have./rant

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

O me Gee Gossip[3rd tiem editz)

Because I am bored...

Because I am banned...

Because Royce is also banned.... (edit)...not

Gossip on his clan's blog ...(it was stealth editted!!)

IMO I don't wanna see destiny disband. (edit) ...Its not!! yay

I don't know why I'm really posting this other then to show Royce support seeing as were both in a funky situation and if anyone happens to be trolling this site, to troll his blog too lol. (edit:keep trolling his site)


Edit: sidenote: .....I am frustrated again...:

Tuesday, 2/23
12.05 pm.

Dear chin9116,

Your account assigned to this e-mail has been reinstated as of Tue, 2/23/2010 - 9:05...blah blah...


Today from GM4Delicous in pm:

Dear chin9111

Unfortunately after further review, your account has been banned permamently....due to account sharing...


I thought this was already discussed ..... *prepares another RT*

Funny how I was unbanned by GMSeraphim and he said he'd investigate why I was banned again....then informed that I am perma-banned by GM4Delicous....due to account sharing...which I discussed with GMSeraphim...I honestly don't even know what I'm arguing anymore....

(edit) but be sure to congradulate Royce for his unbannment!

-LG *praying to the tarseque and hoping he is unbanned next...(plz no jynx)*

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Editted: Tears of Joy.....nvm

So apparently I am unbanned and should be recieving a E-mail soon.

Glorious day.

I'd like to thank the Administration Team and GM/GS for putting up with my frustration. God I knew I sent in a million RTs and bugged the crap oughta everyone.

*turn on happy slow music*

Loveguardian: Tarseque!!!! I missed you!!! *runs slow motion at turtle*
Tarseue: Rawr!!! *hobbles slow motion at Doofus Boy*

Tarseque: *eats Loveguardian*


Tarseque: You didn't feed me T.T

-LG out , unbanned, happy, content, dancing around the computer lab with everyone going wtf


Edited* (added content)

well...this is 15 minutes later...chin9116 got banned E-mail sent...rofl..short lived happiness.

This emotional roller coaster is too physically taxing...I'm done for the day.

*turns off slow happy music*

Tarseque: *rawr*....*sniffle*....(chases LG as fast as his little legs can go but he keeps drifting farther away.

Loveguardian: Tarseque.....T-T

Friday, March 19, 2010

I know who you are......

superman0x....lovely lil account you made to get past anonymous commenting on my blog and impersonating the name of a GM on the MT forums.

synthsuxcok...another lovely account you made to pester synthess's blog with disgusting things that even I would feel suicidal to repeat in something as unimportant as a blog.

I'd strongly advise you get mental help for the comment you have made on her blog if you think that it is normal and okay.

I wish multiple inpersonations was against the ToS but it isn't. Seeing as you SSed my blog and statement(that can or canot be true because this blog can or cannot be related to Megaten, and holds no importance. Just like saying I can say I am Micheal Jackson on this blog, can you honestly believe that?) and you sent your lil SS as a report to bann me, and Aeria actually took it. I think its enough means then for Aeria to check your IP address, find that you imperstonated a GM here with the name "superman0x" and should also be banned, oh how I wish.

I have no reason to believe that the person who told me is lying.

At first, I could'nt believe it was you who did it. I thought we were kool, I thought we finally got past our differences and were buddies. I held no hate or annoyance towards you. But apparently the feeling is not mutual.

If your enjoyment is to get everyone on that hitlist of yours banned because they did something as stupid as mispelling your name, go ahead, keep getting people bann. Hell go for the gold, why don't you go get a GM banned eh? Bann everyone that plays MT so you can be the best and play by yourself.

I am just so dissapointed in you, there's literally no words to describe how I honestly feel about you anymore. If you were the one who's also reponsible for the other bannings I was informed on lately, I cannot believe Aeria has not caught on then.

I heard Royce's story, and I can't believe how backstabbing you are and how you set him up. He's done so much already that everyone can mutually agree that like/hate him, you must admit he has helped the community in one way or another. But you have the even balls...your just that sick to want him banned.

I am so tempted to just type your name....names (I only know of 2...who else do you play?)...for all the see and know that you banned/will bann them.

Honestly, what do you get out of banning people like us? Do you have no life till the point where you just have the need to do this?

I sincerly hope that Aeria comes to thier senses and lets me my case out and unbann me, Royce, and other people as well.

I'm still in the state of shock that it's you who is the culprit. I may have to edit this blog later once I have consumed all the facts according and come out of shock.

Simple summary...I can't believe it's you...why are you doing it...what do you get out of it...and

what the fuck did I do to you?

Royce said it was the day I joined clan Rain on my alt. Is that it? Quite honestly I'll never take that back. Did I honeslty annoy you that much to exist in Rain that you had to leave?

The days my alt was in Rain were the days I spent more time on my alt then LoveGuardian. I was great friends with lndicative, I got to meet Amica, who I think is a wonderful person whos always willing to help, Sh1ki whom I liked, Cody whom I found out was not the bad guy I thought he was.

Despite leaving, because I felt I made the clan uncomfortable being in Agito on my main, I still got to know those people even after leaving and my opinions of them hasn't changed.

You could have joined back up into Rain when I left, but you didn't, not my fault.

You have seriusly dissapointed me, I know my opinion of you doesn't matter to you, but i hope karma is a bitch.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

What to do, What to do....

I made a post on the forums explaining my situation.

It was locked in under 30 minutes of posting I think, fast responce eh?

It was then removed from reporting behavior sections...where I posted...and moved here.

I honestly dont know why they have an accounts topic section when if you look at EVERY SINGLE TOPIC POSTED it has someone saying "please use "Contact Us"....where they will do exactly what they are doing to me.

step 1 contact GM , says send in RT
step 2 Send in RT and get reply of why your banned
step 3 reply back asking/explaining and never get a reply back
step 4 Ask a GM why they arent replying back, he/she says send in RT
step 5 return to step 1.


LG - not giving up....but what else can I do?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lol More Vent-age

So, we can state, that I am Andrew Chin, college student of Holy Cross College.

I am on the Lacrosse Team. And I'm #22. and shown on our Athletic Site.

It seems Aeria has plugged their ears to me going "blah blah blah" now despite any attempt I have made to explain myself, I am an automatic criminal. my 8 month + join date means nuthin now and the mula I spent ingame is down the drain(..kick to the balls why don't you)

So I have stated in NUMEROUS request tickets that I was home from Spring Break playing on megaten....At Home....

as in...NOT at college anymore.

.....As in here is our calendar for Holy Cross and here is when our spring break started.

Let's review...

March 5th...campus residence halls close at 6pm....I'm home on friday night playing megaten....

Saturday, March 6....get anti-melee from Synthess
Sunday, March 7....Rebirth Tarseque
MondayMarch 8....Get False Comp/ Plvl tarseque in Assassin runs

March 8th I got banned,,,,unbanned...and banned again on Tuesday.

so...thats 1...2...3..pretty much 4 days of playing megaten ONLINE at home...becasue its spring break...and campus is closed...therefore...I am home...therefore my IP adress while playing at home.

after mentioning this to aeria not once...twice...but three explinations...

I have recieved this statement:

"we have Screen shots of another player admitting that you were sharing account while being logged onto your account. The IPs Match with this information."

Let's further break this down....

#1 I do not know of this other player playing my account...far as I know , I am the sole owner. not to mention, anyone can say anything ingame as a joke or sarcasm. It must be backed with evidence. Unless I was hacked (which would mean I would be a victim...why bann a victim?) they stated that they checked my IP and it matches with that information...

(please scroll up top and read that it was Spring Break)....Where My campus residence halls close...meaning I must go home...and home = I can play megaten ingame...

so...mentioning this three....threee.....three times to 3 request tickets....and the responce to me is :

" The IPs Match with this information"


So here I stand...having not only GS but former GS players telling me that they do not check IP...having players comfort me during spring break ingame saying they log on multiple IPs so that can't be the case....and here is Aeria...banning me because the evidence is my IP...because they are failing to make the connection of a College Student, who is on Spring Break decided to come home and play megaten "online" and "ingame" instead of just being forumly active at Holy Cross College (because they do not allow the download of the megaten game)...whos is trying to prove his innocence by begging Aeria Administrations to check my story and my IP and see that it matches up...but they are too busy pluggin their ears going "blah blah blah" just naturally assume that the fact that I am online a shitload more on a different computer/IP its a bann.

I am dissapointted....

LG out....annoyed....and definitely not to pleased with Aeria.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Thanks to our new Lacrosse practice times, Every tuesday, wednesday, and thursday I shall miss Dinner.

Needless to say I have finally recieve word of my banning but it is too stupid to even comprehend that I am a little bit annoyed that I sent in 3 request tickets stating everything including my IP adress reasons because of coming home from spring break and playing megaten at home vsing logging on forums at holy cross college.

I feel very very very annoyed that after sending 3 request tickets stating my situation, the reason for the banning told me they didnt even read them at all.

I should stop venting......I think ill take it out in lacrosse practice today....5pm to 7pm...and i get to miss dinner too...great...

-LG out n about.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So I've Heard....

I'm not the only one that was banned. Doesn't make me feel better but....

Spoke with a few people today, and I found out that there were a handfull of people banned near the same time I was.

I also found out recently more and more people were banned for no reason and rage/quit.

Today I was really annoyed seeing as it has been past 72 hours and no responce to my requests ticket(sss).

I realize the GM's are extremely busy.

I annoyed and bugged the crap out of Kuen in shoutbox today in regard to my account. I have to apologize for my behavior to him because he is a GS, GameSage. It was wrong of me to take out some anger on him when he is a player himself and a vulunteer that did not deserve to be an outlet for my frustration. Whether he reads this or not, I owe him an apology.

Kuen managed to grab a GM for me and I sent him all my ticket numbers and the explination best to my knowledge.

I head back to Holy Cross College tomorrow so unfortunately if LG is ever unbanned, I will only be able to stay intact via, forums. I'll have to refocus my attention to Lacross and my classes.

Even though my fun was short-lived, thanks for all the support and helping hands; lndi, lil`benni, the GMs, other GS, and especially my clan.

I'll keep fighting for my unbannment until I see a definite forclosure.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Qing Long Guide

For all those who want Qing-Long

.....Including me....

zzz....every second away from LG feels like an hour rofl.

-LG out.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So...I'm still banned....QQ

Well, I find that there's not alot of things to do.

I started a new character, Legendarylove....made it a girl for lulz...only temporary till i find forclosure on Loveguardians status.

I still remain active in the forums as well with this alternative account. Not many seem to notice the 1 digit change in the username.

Some big discussions on the Plasma "Nerfs" and overall I can see that most people don't want this patch.

I personally like/ and dislike this patch.

I like it because I would hope that this lowers the market price on everything as well as hault some players from sponor spamming thier lvl and not obtain any skill in the process.

I don't like it because once upon a time we were all noobs and once upon a time most of us farmed. It's nice to see that many players on the forums also show the same concern. It really shoes just how good of a community we are.

whether this is permament or temporary, there seem to be alot of bugs, Best wishes to the GMs on clearing them up.

On an unrelated note...I found out recently that Pallas Athena SS nulls mute...muddle...and stone...o.O?

I was befuddled but I confirmed this by pvping a few times without my thoth SSed pvp helm.

Apparently its a bug due to the lvl x 0.02 change of reflecting magic had something to do with it?

Not sure how long this bug will stay, but for the moment I'll keep my SS exactly the way they are for now.

Lastly, I noticed Synthess started up her blogging.

Added it to my lil quicklist to the right. I personally enjoy some of the posts.

So Spring break is almost half over. On friday I'm going to my BF's house to spend the weekend so I believe from there on, I wave my goodbye to Megaten again as I go back to college.

Only things I got done this week was:

Get anti-melee(thank you synthess)
Get False-Comp (thank you Kenjipoopykins)
Rebirth Tarseque to next Tiwaz (thank you LezarTwo for assassin runs)

Too bad about my account banning, I won't be able to get my so desireable Sen Ryiu and expirement with those other new demons as well. Hopefully this is all one big misunderstanding.

P.S. Adult Swim Games like Unicorn attack and Polar Bear games were highly addicting. Thanks lndi for that XD.

D= New Updatez !!!

O me GEEE!!!

New Demons !!!!!!!

New Dungeons !!!!!

aww.....this is torture!!! lemme at those demons T.T

-LG out.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Banned? Unbanned? Banned again?

Last night, right after helping my clan kill Onis at the Oni Spawning even for hornz, and Doing speed assassin rooms with my german mancakes LezarTwo to plvl my tarseque after being rebirthed, I logged out for 15 minutes to rest my eyes and get ready to go out with my Boyfriend(for future references, and because it sounds wierd to me, I shall refer to him as friend in this post XD).

I attempted to logg back on, and it wouldnt let me. Thinking I must have forgotten my password, I went to the forums and attempted to retreive my password via E-mail and got this message:

"Sorry. The account has been blocked due to violation of our terms of service."

W....T...F...H? o.O

*blinks*......*reads again*....W...T...F....

from there...I logged on to my old old old uba old messed up alt account lovebunny and told my clannnies what happened.

some tried to help but ultimately, while shouting in babel for a GS, Jebus pmed me to try shoutbox and from there I got a hold of Indi <3.

after explaining, talking, going wtf, whining, moping, I ended up MISSING the next oni spawn for my clan.

I went to my "friends" house, and from there, I couldn't show him megaten like i wanted to. I had to show him Youtube clips of I showed him the clip of the clan doing ichi gold for AM1G when he quit. Its here in one of my older blog posts if u need a recapp.

He thought it was a kool game needless to say, and I told him that its my heroine <3.

I woke up this morning and checked my Email and saw that I was unbanned while checking my Email:

"Dear chin9116,

Your account assigned to this e-mail has been reinstated as of Tue, 03/09/2010 - 10:01.In order to access your account you must use the retrieve password feature at....ect..ect..ect"

So...I retrieved my password..logged on during maintence, told my clan master, talked with him for a few minutes, spoke with lndi and discussed how wierd this is...and 15 minutes later...:

"Sorry. The acccount has been blocked due to violation of our terms of service."

from there, I got an E-mail this time as to why I was banned. To sum it up, it was from unusual activity and I needed to provide an explination.

Giving some thought, I realize that "possibly" I have been logging into the forums from Holy Cross College IP adress until as of Saturday when I returned home to actually PLAY megaten on my new lap top, this could be the possible confusion to my banning I thought.

Now really though, I am not one of the players that was here since Closed Beta, but LoveGuardian has been around for some time now. I've never been reported(to my knowledge) and I was never banned before >.>. I know made some mistakes in the past publically and all(don't wish to review). But nothing of such caliber to give myself a banning.

This whole expierence is both new and annoying to me. Needless to say, if this bann is permament, I shall quit Megaten.

I poured alot into LoveGuardian, banning him is like killing my child, I do not wish to raise another child to have it possible killed for no adequete reason.

I'm not ready to leave Megaten just yet, it's not my time just yet. It's still quite fun to me. I'm not sure where this goes but hopefully this is all just one big misunderstanding.

Big shoutout to lndi for giving me his free-time to help me with this.

P.S. - to address a certain issue/rumor I have heard. No one has my password, no one knows my password. I have heard rumors that people have been thinking that someone else has been playing LG, I can tell you in the most simplistic way to GTFO and say it to my face.

<--this is MY BLOG, that keeps YOU updated with how -I- am doing. I apologize if I am not as "perverted" as you remembered. My reputation with things like these has allways been clean.

Until further notice, Its spring break, I have came back to MT because of that and will be here for the rest of the week. Then its back to college and seeing me only on the forums as allways until further notice.

In any case, wish my account luck, I had plans all week to play MT, obviously my plans are ruined >.>.

-LG out....and maybe for good?

Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm back...for spring break

1 week of pure fun and catching up with friends and gearz.

btw, I am no longer single, stop asking D=.

=LG out