I stopped playing Soul Master as of today. I kinda don't feel the drive anymore.
I failed to grasp the concept of the blacksmithed items soon enough about them being super powered with stats and didn't take advantage of the noob players like all the pro players did.
(edit: pearz corrected me, it wasnt the blacksmithed items but cash shop items that can drop the lvl requirements on higher tier gears allowing noobs to outdps me T.T)
I also didn't like repeating the lvling and spam farming maps over and over and over again.
on average it would be like 1 lvl an hour if your lucky to not get d/ced. which happens kinda often.
They need more classes, need to gtfo with gender locking. Even the pvp maps got a lil boring.
Mabinogi News
There was a high debate in Asians Guild today while Playing Mabinogi (I have resorted to staying in this game due to the nice community and extensive content).
Apparently somewhere around G(generation) 13 the Devs were having talks about making actual "classes".
Now the current system of mabinogi functions like Megaten. All the skills are open to you and it is your full freedom to decide which ones to work on and excell at.
However the Dev's talking were deciding to implement 6 classes
(adventurer)- you can use all your skills (basically as we are now) but recieve no bonuses (stat-wise n such)
Knight - Self explanatory, melee based bonuses and only allowed to use melee skills (no magic...zzz and apparently even no range).
Archer/Bard- (we didnt know what to call this class but apparently its archers with the ability to be bards. Bards are musically talented players who play scrolls that give bonuses such as HEavy stander/healing of hp/mp/ and other such things) Final shot/AR/ranged attacks available and also bard but no melee skills or alchemy skills available.
Mage - Self implied again, all magic skills and apparently the big QQ here is they can't use Windmill (haha)
Alchemists - relatively new class that I didn't know of when coming back to Mabinogi. I find this class kind of a easy gtfo type class. I see it as the easy way out of everything because it is that overpowered in my eyes. They can summon Golems which tank pretty well and do nice windmill damage, and they can consistantly summon this golem over and over if it dies so long as they have the stones provided. They can also use lower tiered adv magic with stones and set barrier spikes to prevent from being attacked.
Merchant- This is a fail class haha. Basically you can use all life skills...but thats boring to me....
There were ALOT of wrenches and kinks in this 6 class idea. Overall I am for it. As it encourages party play, no more 1k+ lvl players soloing everything. Even though this may limit freedom and some partial loss of customization, however this is all talk and speculation as it has not been implemented yet on the korean server.
I also FINALLY got my hands on a 5-12 dmg dagger with 12 dur on it. This was the same type of dagger I had a year ago and with the special upgrade path turned it into a 19-44 dagger with 7 dur left.
With nice motivation I can now proff this dagger into the same upgrade path as my other one and get my complete set of Final Hit weapons.
With that out of the way I can focus on other things if I wish.
I also learned Thunder and I'll admit it is quite fun. However I don't plan on spending any more ability points into it. and re-focus my efforts on raising my melee skills and enchantments.
P.S. Kudoos to Native for giving me the dagger =o
P.S.S. Real Life: Spent the night with my hubby Jeff. Was the first time he cried in front of me. Apparently a 26 year old drowned in Silver Beach 2 days ago (google if you want, it was on the news) and my hubby was the commanding coast guard officer in charge. He was so hard on himself and kept saying "what if, what if, maybe I coulda saved him." I wish I coulda told him things like "you tried your best, that's all that mattered" or "you can't save them all" or even "your human, you can't do everything" and "whats past is past, we can't change it, best we can do is move on". But I couldn't bring myself to say such things. There was no way my naive mind could wrap around on any lvl of what he was going through, and I knew it. There was no point in me saying those phrases cuz it would be stupid of me. All I could do was hold him close while he let it all out. I felt that powerless feeling again and I hated it. He downed so much Vodka he passed out without me knowing for the first few minutes. Seemed alot better today, which made me feel a little better. Then he said that phrase again "I love you" and we had our first real (hell I dont even think it counts) argument. I told him to stop saying that phrase. I won't share the personal details of the argument because that would reveal things about me I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing just yet to the internet of all things. But, in the end I admit defeat and lowered my walls and said it back to him. First time using that phrase in that intimate manner in over 4 years. I sincerely hope I did not jynx myself and have this relationship down the hole. It seems like that would be the cliche thing to happen right after saying it.
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