Monday, March 29, 2010

Busy Life, FML

Well, I haven't had the time to fight back for my account.

They responded to my recent RT I sent in, I played all my trump cards in this RT just to find out in summary "They are useless arguements because the specific reason for my banning had of no relevance to the reasons they were leading me to believe was the reason for my banning" (aka they made me believe it was reason A and when I argue that reason A is false, they switch it and say it was because of reason B)

I am busy for this and last week, So I can't really respond back at this moment. Needless to say, my logic professor has taken notice of this awesome game because of my hassling of him to review my logical arguements with me before sending in my RTs. (He of course won't be playing because I have given him my baised views of how unfair Aeria is being right now with my account, until I am unbanned of course.)

On a real life note:

Our Lacrosse Team from Holy Cross College had 3 games last Sunday.

We won all three games, and still remain undefeated. You can keep track of us here. (they didn't update yet, so for the moment its still 4-0-0. But our college site updated it)

We will have 2 more games this Saturday as well as this week happens to be the FML week with tests and essays so Aeria can have a 1 week break of my annoyance with RT's.

This whole banning situation is like a snowball effect. There is so much evidence, counter evidence, arguements, and stories all gathered up that its all just one big shithole of a snowball.

IMO both sides are at fault if I wanted to be fair, but in my eyes, Aeria could have handled this so much better, but instead have sent me in numerous circles and still are.

What gets me most worked up is that even if I do argue my points, ultimately, they can just say "No, we don't like you, your banned."

Don't think so? It's in thier ToS:


Great, It is an awesome feeling knowing that someone(maybe you) could have spend a shitload of REAL MONEY on this game and at any given point in time, AGE can terminate your account(hell lets exaggerate), and bann the whole community, take your money and run leaving you with the sign "You've just been Rick-Rolled". One click and your whole pixel world comes crashing and dissapears....

well, I'll post a continuation of the banning situation later, there's way to many details in it to post here, it would make it one hell of a long ass blog.

LG- tired, studying, trying to maintain his life, which aeria seems to think I don't have./rant

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