Blah, I finally sent in my RT ...again....today after an almost 2 week break.
Needless to say, I had 15k oni hornz entrusted to me, looks like I wont be getting that reward anytime soon.
So back to the topic name and its meaning. Somehow my blog is related to megaten and to forwarn everyone else owning a blog. Apparently anything legitly said here whether its true or false is held accountable...(long story about the new situation of my banning...but I shall reveal all when the pieces fall into place, firstly we need to make my point).
"Anything anyone else does outside of these defined aeras including personal blogs or websites is outside of the scope of the Aeria Games Terms of Service...."
In the same reply and a few lines later.....
"Evidence obtained from a third party, i.e. blog or personal site relateding to a Terms of Service violations concertning Aeria Games propertly, in this case, user acccounts are still considered the property of Aeria Games"
How does this make sense? It doesn't. So its outside of your scope, but it counts as evidence...even though whatever is said here cannot be conclusively true and last I checked this blog is not your property....(again theres loads to this juicy story, I jsut want to make this small point)
So...let's say player B who hates player A and wants him banned...so player B makes a blog site under the same IGN and allias as player A and instigates and makes false accuzations under the cover of being known as Player A's blog.... Playber B reports Player A and Player A gets banned when GM's review the blog evidence...
Can you spell E.X.P.L.I.O.T.A.T.I.O.N? and W.T.F. expressionz on Player A?
And let's not EVER EVER EVER forget this. I applaud everyone and anyone who stuck up for Justkill.
If it were not for you guys making a point and proving his innocence, he would have possibly remained banned. God bless the fact that your name is hard to spell....LoveGuardian seems like a easy name...hmm...and banned in the same week? just tossing a bone...yet another example that GMs are what? (see capitalized wording above with emphasis)
So like. I made my own thread too a while ago with what I "thought" was the reason for my banning (oh you sly sly aeria making me feel like an idiot for a whole month before I found "some truth" in my banning...some because I'm sure there's more that I don't know that your not telling).
Too bad this was locked in less then 30 minutes...not even a chance.
Anyway, I strayed off topic of what the meaning of this post was for. To make a blunt point.
" This Blog does not belong to Loveguardian at all and has no relations to the Loveguardian character in Megaten but infact, something totally unrelated to Megaten. (I could go on but nah)"
Ooo Ooo Ooo someone report this please, this blog is being held accountable for something it has nothing to do Megaten....with but its a blog...and its a third party...therfore, everything said here is apparently ACCOUNTABLE....
"I the false player anonymously using this blog to get LG banned say that you Unbann Loveguardian right now."
Why? because its a blog...and everything said here must be taken accoutnable for. DO IET!!!
GMs...take it as you will...There's no INDENDED insultation directly pointed to you here....but your reasoning and the way you have handled my case I would say "could have been handled alot better"(edit: for example..I dont appreciate being banned...unbanned...banned..unbanned by GMSeraphim who (god I wished I took the SS on Yahoo messenger) said I was good to go and then banned yet...again...). I hope that this post sheds some light on what might become a future problem for your EXPLOITATION(ssssss).
Oh...and another note. A fellow friend explained to me how one could edit screenies...*presses the expliot button*
O Noes!!!! Ediittzzz
Reference Material Numba 1
Reference Material Numba 2
Quote/ explination from the genius (because I apparently know nothing of computers...and he sounds kooler):
The only thing wrong with this example, is I may have left some different metadata in the new image(for instance date modified). However a quick search on google will find software that can edite this to also match the original.
To produce my example, one begins by overlaying the original over ref image 1, then using a transparency brush to "delete" the text. This is extremly east to do and took me under a minute for this example.
To add different text is a little more difficult, but it just needs you to copy the text from elsewhere(making sure that nothing is in the background of that text, notice I used the black of the door in fer image 2). Then color match if necessary, and the set of the background color transparent - so I can just copy/past it to where I want it."
Hat goes off to you genius.
Needless to say, I had 15k oni hornz entrusted to me, looks like I wont be getting that reward anytime soon.
So back to the topic name and its meaning. Somehow my blog is related to megaten and to forwarn everyone else owning a blog. Apparently anything legitly said here whether its true or false is held accountable...(long story about the new situation of my banning...but I shall reveal all when the pieces fall into place, firstly we need to make my point).
"Anything anyone else does outside of these defined aeras including personal blogs or websites is outside of the scope of the Aeria Games Terms of Service...."
In the same reply and a few lines later.....
"Evidence obtained from a third party, i.e. blog or personal site relateding to a Terms of Service violations concertning Aeria Games propertly, in this case, user acccounts are still considered the property of Aeria Games"
How does this make sense? It doesn't. So its outside of your scope, but it counts as evidence...even though whatever is said here cannot be conclusively true and last I checked this blog is not your property....(again theres loads to this juicy story, I jsut want to make this small point)
So...let's say player B who hates player A and wants him banned...so player B makes a blog site under the same IGN and allias as player A and instigates and makes false accuzations under the cover of being known as Player A's blog.... Playber B reports Player A and Player A gets banned when GM's review the blog evidence...
Can you spell E.X.P.L.I.O.T.A.T.I.O.N? and W.T.F. expressionz on Player A?
And let's not EVER EVER EVER forget this. I applaud everyone and anyone who stuck up for Justkill.
If it were not for you guys making a point and proving his innocence, he would have possibly remained banned. God bless the fact that your name is hard to spell....LoveGuardian seems like a easy name...hmm...and banned in the same week? just tossing a bone...yet another example that GMs are what? (see capitalized wording above with emphasis)
So like. I made my own thread too a while ago with what I "thought" was the reason for my banning (oh you sly sly aeria making me feel like an idiot for a whole month before I found "some truth" in my banning...some because I'm sure there's more that I don't know that your not telling).
Too bad this was locked in less then 30 minutes...not even a chance.
Anyway, I strayed off topic of what the meaning of this post was for. To make a blunt point.
" This Blog does not belong to Loveguardian at all and has no relations to the Loveguardian character in Megaten but infact, something totally unrelated to Megaten. (I could go on but nah)"
Ooo Ooo Ooo someone report this please, this blog is being held accountable for something it has nothing to do Megaten....with but its a blog...and its a third party...therfore, everything said here is apparently ACCOUNTABLE....
"I the false player anonymously using this blog to get LG banned say that you Unbann Loveguardian right now."
Why? because its a blog...and everything said here must be taken accoutnable for. DO IET!!!
GMs...take it as you will...There's no INDENDED insultation directly pointed to you here....but your reasoning and the way you have handled my case I would say "could have been handled alot better"(edit: for example..I dont appreciate being banned...unbanned...banned..unbanned by GMSeraphim who (god I wished I took the SS on Yahoo messenger) said I was good to go and then banned yet...again...). I hope that this post sheds some light on what might become a future problem for your EXPLOITATION(ssssss).
Oh...and another note. A fellow friend explained to me how one could edit screenies...*presses the expliot button*
O Noes!!!! Ediittzzz
Reference Material Numba 1
Reference Material Numba 2
Quote/ explination from the genius (because I apparently know nothing of computers...and he sounds kooler):
The only thing wrong with this example, is I may have left some different metadata in the new image(for instance date modified). However a quick search on google will find software that can edite this to also match the original.
To produce my example, one begins by overlaying the original over ref image 1, then using a transparency brush to "delete" the text. This is extremly east to do and took me under a minute for this example.
To add different text is a little more difficult, but it just needs you to copy the text from elsewhere(making sure that nothing is in the background of that text, notice I used the black of the door in fer image 2). Then color match if necessary, and the set of the background color transparent - so I can just copy/past it to where I want it."
Hat goes off to you genius.
To further prove that this blog can/has nothing to do with megaten related-ness....
To further prove that this blog can/has nothing to do with megaten related-ness....
/insert real life issues
So me and my BF Jeff been strong for 3 months now. My birthdays is in april 25th and ill FINALLY be 19...I am so sick and tired of being 18...it feels kiddish.
I also gained some muscle from going to the gym alot. I'm the nerdiest sex hound ever?
(see photos above post...though I'm sure you already have)
Lotsa running, Lotsa lifting...and lotsa situps....I probably should shed a pound or two to get some fat off my abs...but...I ned more muscle first.
Anyway, This weekend , We have 2 games on Saturday and 2 games on Sunday for Lacrosse. apparently we NEED to win all 4 games to further solidify our chance of going to championships... Were still undefeated though.. =P
/ real life business that had nothing to do with Aeria.
Last thing before I go on with my night, If you added me on facebook/myspace and I rejected you, Please add me and make a comment that you are a friend from megaten....
I'd like to filter out the creepers/stalkers/friends/ so I know which one is which.
-LG out... by the way...I had a nightmare that I was in hell....when I woke up...I realized I was still there....
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