Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Banned? Unbanned? Banned again?

Last night, right after helping my clan kill Onis at the Oni Spawning even for hornz, and Doing speed assassin rooms with my german mancakes LezarTwo to plvl my tarseque after being rebirthed, I logged out for 15 minutes to rest my eyes and get ready to go out with my Boyfriend(for future references, and because it sounds wierd to me, I shall refer to him as friend in this post XD).

I attempted to logg back on, and it wouldnt let me. Thinking I must have forgotten my password, I went to the forums and attempted to retreive my password via E-mail and got this message:

"Sorry. The account has been blocked due to violation of our terms of service."

W....T...F...H? o.O

*blinks*......*reads again*....W...T...F....

from there...I logged on to my old old old uba old messed up alt account lovebunny and told my clannnies what happened.

some tried to help but ultimately, while shouting in babel for a GS, Jebus pmed me to try shoutbox and from there I got a hold of Indi <3.

after explaining, talking, going wtf, whining, moping, I ended up MISSING the next oni spawn for my clan.

I went to my "friends" house, and from there, I couldn't show him megaten like i wanted to. I had to show him Youtube clips of megaten....so I showed him the clip of the clan doing ichi gold for AM1G when he quit. Its here in one of my older blog posts if u need a recapp.

He thought it was a kool game needless to say, and I told him that its my heroine <3.

I woke up this morning and checked my Email and saw that I was unbanned while checking my Email:

"Dear chin9116,

Your account assigned to this e-mail has been reinstated as of Tue, 03/09/2010 - 10:01.In order to access your account you must use the retrieve password feature at....ect..ect..ect"

So...I retrieved my password..logged on during maintence, told my clan master, talked with him for a few minutes, spoke with lndi and discussed how wierd this is...and 15 minutes later...:

"Sorry. The acccount has been blocked due to violation of our terms of service."

from there, I got an E-mail this time as to why I was banned. To sum it up, it was from unusual activity and I needed to provide an explination.

Giving some thought, I realize that "possibly" I have been logging into the forums from Holy Cross College IP adress until as of Saturday when I returned home to actually PLAY megaten on my new lap top, this could be the possible confusion to my banning I thought.

Now really though, I am not one of the players that was here since Closed Beta, but LoveGuardian has been around for some time now. I've never been reported(to my knowledge) and I was never banned before >.>. I know made some mistakes in the past publically and all(don't wish to review). But nothing of such caliber to give myself a banning.

This whole expierence is both new and annoying to me. Needless to say, if this bann is permament, I shall quit Megaten.

I poured alot into LoveGuardian, banning him is like killing my child, I do not wish to raise another child to have it possible killed for no adequete reason.

I'm not ready to leave Megaten just yet, it's not my time just yet. It's still quite fun to me. I'm not sure where this goes but hopefully this is all just one big misunderstanding.

Big shoutout to lndi for giving me his free-time to help me with this.

P.S. - to address a certain issue/rumor I have heard. No one has my password, no one knows my password. I have heard rumors that people have been thinking that someone else has been playing LG, I can tell you in the most simplistic way to GTFO and say it to my face.

<--this is MY BLOG, that keeps YOU updated with how -I- am doing. I apologize if I am not as "perverted" as you remembered. My reputation with things like these has allways been clean.

Until further notice, Its spring break, I have came back to MT because of that and will be here for the rest of the week. Then its back to college and seeing me only on the forums as allways until further notice.

In any case, wish my account luck, I had plans all week to play MT, obviously my plans are ruined >.>.

-LG out....and maybe for good?


  1. Oh noez! x_x did you try the ban appeal feature?

  2. By the way, I've logged in from numerous IP addresses and I've never been banned.

    Have you tried checking your AP history? Or could you not log back into your account at all (in the forums)?

    Either way, good luck man, that really sucks :/

  3. "-LG out....and maybe for good?"

    We can always hope!

  4. Sadly we are in the same road LG >_> my enhancer was banned too..u know arreiS.. Same reason as yours how i reacted *sigh* i didnt even received an email that says im banned or something.

  5. I know how it feel LG T_T.. my Enhancer also got banned without any particular reason :( my enhancer arreis i mean :( my only active main now i have to like get onto my uber low level character >_> lol..wonder how long I have to wait for them to send the email T_T

  6. Nuuu LG ;_; What is it withs Aeria lately and overzelaous banhammers ._.'

    I hopes you gets this fixed soon :3

    Luckiee~ x3

  7. Send in a request ticket and fight for your unbanning.

    I did not and still did not recieve a reason for my first banning up till now and I doubt the GMs will notice if you dont send in a request ticket.

    a helpful clannie a few days ago gave me a talk saying if I dont pester and annoy people about my account they will believe that I have accepted the punishment.
