Friday, November 6, 2009

What the Future Holds

So last night, my roommate discovered I was bisexual, and moved out of the room in less then 24 hours.

I didn't intend him on finding out, because we discussed gay/bisexuals/lesbians in a past conversation, and what his opinions were convinced me that if we were going to room together peacefully, I could not tell him that small little detail. We lived together for 3 months with little arguments or conflictions and now all the sudden when he finds out, it is suddenly some sort of contagious disease or I might do something horrid to him because I am a sex hound /sarcasm.

Despite the popular believe and stereotypes(in fact all stereotypes in general) of bisexuals, were not sex hounds believe it or not, and we aren't cheaters (by "we" I should say "I" because I am only referring and using myself as the example). I didn't rape every guy/girl who walked past me, nor to anyone on the hockey team(god forbid when they find this out, I am going to get hammered with questions and be judged harshly), and it's not like I am searching for a prey to take home tonight like some pedophile looking for a small kid. I live my life like any other person would. I am an outward person, and I don't go chasing after relationships unless the person makes the first move on me.

Nevertheless, the damage was done, my secret is going to get out I am 90% sure, and the comfortable life I am so used to is going to crash and burn with people judging me and thinking/treating me differently whether I am prepared for it or not. Life sucks sometimes I tell you, I can only hope that people aren't all like my roommate with stubborn and preset judgments on certain people. Can only hope the whatever the future brings, I gotta try to stay positive no matter how bad the situation will get.

(T_T you have no idea how scared I am right now)

As for Megeten's future, we recently got new items in the webmail. Personally, I don't see anything useful there other then the Artemis Earrings. Every other demon in the Earth Mother section sucks at giving % boosts in synthing compared to Artemis. So I only see the Artemis Earings useful, everything else blows.

What I am SOOO excited about right now, is the next patch update.

-Item Mixing - Combine items to make new items!
-Team Battles - Create a team to PvP with. This also includes NO DURABILITY LOSS IN PVP!!!
-Motorbikes - Wheelie around in style!

The Motorbikes aren't really nessasary, I suggest you go get them for looks and the "OMG that is so kool!!" comments from everyone. Just another way to encourage people to buy AP I think. As for the Item Mixing, I'm honestly not to knowledgeable in that department. I can't tell you if it is useful or not, and if it takes expertise(which it most likely will, and will hatch more versatility in peoples builds, or just make an alt whos uber at it).

I'm sure what the most influential update that everyone is excited about is TEAM PVP and NO DURABILITY LOSS IN PVP!!

I swear, about 99% of my durability losts rest in pvp. I spent loads of macca buying repair tools because ueno's 98% repair success rate hates me. Hell, when TakeAim was still playing, I bet I was the sole reason she made a business with repair tools. But PvPing will be more fun knowing that I can tank as many hits as I please, and not worry about my durability as melees/DDs/and gunners will be happy as well not having to worry about their epicly modded weapon that won't lose dur either ^^. TEAM PVP though, just totally throws alignment out of the window. No more disputes about law kicking chaos ass or vice versa, this time it will be about TEAMS. I am hoping this feature spawns interesting and challenging teams to face against and that pvp will be more lively so that I can get more BP and attempt to get the Blaze of Ambition (didn't even get the backpack yet so phails for me (^_^))

I may be able to play megaten in college now, depending on how my father feels. I haven't called him to say that my roommate has left our room and took all his belongings with him. I want to bring in my own flat screen setup, as well as beg (and I mean BEG) him to let me bring the desktop into this room (far as I am concerned, they college doesn't allow me to download Megaten, but it may allow me to play if I bring a desktop which has already downloaded the game. Long shot but never know).

I guess the bright side of having this room to myself and pushing scary thoughts from my head is that I now have so much more room. I want to bring my saxophone, Lacrosse gear, desktop computer, flat screen, bunch more clothes, and the list goes on and on. I don't have to clean up after that gorrilla of a roommate either (sowwy gorrillas), or have a distraction to worry about anymore whn doing my homework(instead megaten will be my distraction lol).

Still, I have honestly never been this scared in my life. I want to say "screw what everyone thinks about me, I am what I am." But I was content and happy with what people thought of me before knowing I was Bi (my roommate, perfect exampe). I don't want how they view me and what they think of me to change because of something as unimportant as my Orientation.

Whatever the Future Holds, I'll have to take a deep breath before jumping in,



  1. Ah dude, that is a pretty rough experience (especially starting off in college). At least in our day and age there's a LOT more tolerance going around than there used to be, chin up chinny. -Rei

  2. Poor Chin :( but hey, at least you won't have to hide your orientation. As long as you don't get unnerved about it too much, I'm sure most other people won't either ;)

    You're always so vibrant and full of life; that's a quality I (and, I'm sure, many other people) like/admire about you. Don't let things like these get you down ^^

    p.s. I totally knew you were bi~

    - Alca
