Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 1

So my name's Andrew Chin. I been playing Megaten for a while now. I play as LoveGuardian ingame and I gotta say, this game has been fun.

I got started here because few days ago IBleach had a spot open for someone who wanted to do fashion "advice" for the male category. I thought I'd give it a go and sent him my application.

Surprisingly, he chose me, and asked me to make a google account and set up this "thingymajiggy" to get started.

So here I am, freshly new to this site, and whatever cool things I'm about to discover with it, but not discovered yet.

Bear with me as I try to understand and grasp everything, I do hope I do a good job with IBleach + Theena's Megaten FC Closet group. I don't want to let them down.

I miss Megaten so much. Being trapped in college and them blocking the Megaten game is a real let-down to me as I'm trapped and deprived of Megaten to only be satisfied by staying active in the forums.

Recently, I found out that a lot of people think I am an ass. Yes, you heard me right, an ass. As I ask and found out why, and reflect on my own actions, everyone is correct.

Since the very day of becoming a regal enhancer in Megaten, my ego inflated BIG time. My attitude told everyone that I was better then them, that your nothing to me, and that no matter what you did, I was better. Though I didn't directly say it, my attitude in Megaten implied it. I feel the need to apologize to anyone and everyone who has been around me, or had to put up with me. I was WRONG, and I hope anyone I offended would forgive me and let me have a 2nd chance, as well as a clean slate, and let me try to salvage at least a friendship with them.

With that being said, I think I will end this blog on a apologetic note. I have Liberal Arts class in 20 minutes, so I must go.

Over and out,



  1. /claps

    You admitted to your own faults when they were shown to you. I'm proud of you LG. My respect for you has, indeed, grown.

  2. And I thank the day I came across your blog. That was my wake up call.
