Thursday, November 5, 2009

Just Another Day

Blogging is like a dairy, except public. I find it quite addicting quite honestly and it's very enjoyable.

Well today, I slept all day. Hockey practice last night from 9 pm to 1 am and ever since the incident of our athletic director finding pictures of us drinking alcohol, we are now on tight leashes and our coach drilled us to death at practices.

I fell asleep around 3:30am-ish, after introducing myself in IBleachs and Theena's Megaten Closet Blog and having fun chatting with people in the Megaten Shoutbox as well as keeping up with the Megaten Forums. When I woke up, it was 4:15pm and I have missed my Theology Class. After I QQed about it, I did the most logical thing that came to mind.

I took a shower and went on to the Megaten Forums!!! I trolled around in there for about 30 minutes, reading posts, and move from topic to topic until none of the sections had any unread posts in them and then began talking in the ShoutBox.

I noticed that on Indicative's BlogSpot , It had links on the side of her posts. Curiosity took over me as I clicked on each and every one of the links and saw all the other friends who also had blogs as well. Some were enjoying, others were useful, and I QQed when I saw the Finella's Blog link because it no longer existed(cries).

This brings me to the main point of bringing up lndicative's Blog. I found Clan Destiny's Blog (which I assume is either thier forums, or Royce's BlogSpot), and I read the latest post Royce had. I was reliefed and overjoyed when I read Royce's last sentence about me;

" LG if you read this-- you have a clean slate with me."

Ahh....It felt warm inside knowing that I have a clean slate with Royce (and I hope, more people to come) and that everything I have done in the past has been erased. It makes me more determined to not go back to being the ass I was and a part of me is now afraid of the chance of turning back into an ass. I don't want that to happen, nor do I want to start on a clean slate with everyone, just to have them think I haven't changed at all and waste their time thinking that maybe, just maybe I could change.

I do have a feeling, that my ego will pop out every so often. I am not perfect, but I am very determined to change the way I behave because I do not want to be known as the arrogant ass of them all. I can only hope that I will catch myself if my ego side pops out, and that everyone around me can also keep me in check. I thank you all for giving me a second chance, because those are hard to come by.

Moving on though, I died laughing at how EPIC and TOTALLY AWESOME a Rainbow Jack's 2nd stage ice rush was. I saw it on lndicative's Blog . I must say, the move was sooo awesome and epic, I wish it was inheritable QQ. I never saw that move before, so I found it very exciting to see and even jealous and envious. I kinda want a Rainbow Jack too now just for that move lol. But I must stay focused.

There are so many demon projects I have saved on my notepad files for when the new demons are implemented, let alone I still have yet to train my alt (LegendaryLove..I know..original) to become a regal enhancer for law (yes...another regal enhancer...more original). I don't think my demons will ever outdamage players, even though I try with my rebirths and ring/earing of sacrifices. I don't know why I still try though knowing that truth/fact. But if I don't do it, what else is there to do then? Of course I could train to lvl 93, and finish my build. But lvling to 93 is tedious, and having that as a goal alone, would ruin he fun of the game in my opnion. You have to have a better purpose and goal then that, and finished my build, well time is the only factor for that one as well which is also tedius and boring.

Even though alot of people frown on it, I do enjoy making demons, training them, making them stronger/better. Though the effort may be futile, its challenging, more challenging then finishing my gear or plvling to 93. If anything, I get sheer enjoyment out of it. Even though the future tells me that demons will never be able to outdamage our players, I will still do it anyway. Besides, I do think they are more then just crystals to be placed on our gear. Of course I can work on my actual character, but what more can I do with him other then lvl to 93? I may as well play with demons then. They won't ever leave your side either, I use them like my own personal bodyguard/partner for life <3. I think I will end this blog with comments about our last update. I am happy we got rebirth stones in the Magic Shop. In my situation, it will be easier for me to rebirth all my demons and they are alot cheaper now. I don't like the buff stones. Even though they are only a 30% buff, that just means anyone can carry them around, and if they only need a 30% buff, they can just spam those stones and neglect the need for enhancers altogether. CAVE, gtfo and let enhancers be enhancers, dont toss out lil cheap stones to replace the expertise we worked hard on obtaining. While your at it, toss some guns that have mb skills on them and toss some weapons that let us use Delorean and Spin Class 5 so we can neglect the need for DDs and Melees too since they are also unimportant (/sarcasm).
Anyway it's 3 am, I think I shall end my lil rant on a good note.

Can't wait for thanksgiving,


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