Holy Cross Lacrosse Championship Winners of the GLLL Division, 2010
Record= 15-0
My number= #22 Double Duce Threat =P
Well, its my birthday today. (yay yay yay I'm 19)
I just got back into Indiana about an hour ago. Our lax team went to Iowa for the weekend to play for championships.
of course....
WE WON!!! BALLS TO THE WALL!!! (link from our very own college website)
15-0 record and on my birthday!!! totally awesome, on the busride home we did a whole bunch of fun shit and just all around good fun.
It totally made my heart drop a little when I realized that half the team were seniors, and that the companionship that grew from this season had to come to an end, people were heading off to Germany, or going back to thier home states, likely that I'd never see them again, Kinda hurts to realize that life is tough like that.
Well, I am motivated to get into gear for next year, as Lacrosse season comes to a close today, tomorrow I start cross country practice (....idk why I'm even doing this sport....ppl are starting to think I'm a robot doing all these sports)
I'm also start doing soccer in the fall too (more wowness)
Anyway, enough about real life, lets talking about something WAY more important. Megaten *(jking)*
I clicked to that loving link that had discussed about the ruls of scamming where I posted my Glorious comment that displayed ultimate stupidity of the GMs...and it was MOVED!!!
Furthermore, When I finally found the correct link, I saw that my comment was DELETED!!!!
So, not only are they trying to cover up thier stupidity, they want to shut the community up as well, last time I checked this was America, aka north western server where we run something called a democracy, not a dictatorship/ tyranny.
I find it surprizing they didnt bann chin9111 right there and then, I woulda have expected that from a dictatorship.
It seems like the whole community literally dislikes what's going on right now, but they don't care. They just want thier money (your money). I mean, Idk what is up the asses of those GMs but seems recently, they arent responding well to anything associated with that the community wants.
With a game that lets you get max lvl in around 10-15 days, lets you master your expertise in a matter of hours, and where the noobs blend in with the veterans and the community cant tell which is which until they are lying dead on the floor. It only emphasis on how I don't want to be a part of this anymore.
Also touching on the issue of banning.
the general reason is "Unusual Account Activity"
However, when you ask about ANYTHING detailed (because let's face it, from my own personal expiereience, it took a month to find out what the general reason was, and now apparently that story is inaccurate) they will say that the information is confidential.
So, GM team, how exactly can we, the players, defend our innocences when:
A- you don't provide us with the full story, thus we can't FAIRLY defend ourselves
B- chances are, unusual account activity = we don't know what we did wrong
C- when we want to know the details, (because we obviously want to know why were banned) you state that its confidential)
Thanks for deleting my comment by the way, I sincerly hope that a good portion of the community read that comment before you guys deleted it. Frankly I dont think the community needs ME to show them how retarded you guys are. Btw, That decreasing number in the community is us players either leaving the game or being banned, incase you cant figure out shit, that decreasing number also reflects your paychecks, every player in MT, even those who are F2P contribute by using macca to buy the items from AP buyers who dont want them.
Anyway, enough ventage, I read more into Allods forums now. Seems quite fun, I am torn on how I am going to juggle cross country, a job, soccer, and time to play allods DX.
I was thinking about being a Warden for its rarity. I read the forums on it everyday and it appears that the community lacks knowledge in that class, hinting that not many ppl play that class. I see it as the ultimate 1 on 1 pvp ownage but I have no right to talk, I haven't even DL the game yet...cuz im stuck on campus XD. But we'll see.
Well, Birthday wishes, I love Lacrosse, I'm 19, 2 more years till I can legally drink.
Lifes good, Aeria GM sucks and will soon be out of a job. (Good thing about blogs, GMs of a unrelated game can't bann it.)
Good luck trying to delete my posts of our YIM convos when I post them ^.^
LG- out getting drunk
Is this your post?
PS: theOverl0rd = me
no, I actually lost track of that thread, but thanks for showing it to me, I'm going to re-post my post.
ReplyDeleteThe one I posted was removed because it showed a Private message where GMGreywulf practically admitted that some of the information given to me was inaccurate on the terms of my banning.
it was removed which pissed me off.
Another comment, I just noticed that "I DID NOT MAKE THIS THREAD"
ReplyDeleteThis post was somewhere in the reporting behavior section where someone was asking about a ban appeal and I posted that as a reply.
Thank the GM forums and team for removing that reply....making it a topic, and then placing it in the rants and rave section -.-
I think Sesshou asked for the posts to be forwarded. He used my line as the title too.