Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lap Top Crashed. T.T

Around last week my lap top "crashed". It loads up its "Dell" Icon, and then the screen goes black ones it's done loading (you don't see the windows XP icon after it like a normal start up).

At first I thought it was the monitor, but after running a diagnostic test on it with F12, it passed all the tests.

I tried safe mode and save mode with command prompt and even reset to the last working configurations on F8 but still no use.

I think it may be a hardware problem, but it escapes me to know what exactly I did to cause it , let alone how I am going to fix it.

It was attacked by a virus days prior, but to my knowledge, I removed those viruses with a anti-malware software. Didn't download anything bad...as I'm on campus and they blocked...like everything. The only thing on the top of my head that would cause such damage would be pressing and holding the power button to shut of the laptop multiple times.

I can't get it fixed till around mid-September when my father gets back from Taiwan. Unless of course someone who is reading this knows how to fix the problem(yes I'm desperate and would love to know how to fix it).

Jeff offered me to go to New Orleans with him during fall break. I may have to take his offer on it.

I also stopped playing mabinogi (of course, since the lap top crashed). was looking forward to FF14, but after how sucky I found out the Campus internet is, thats like trying to suck a ocean dry with a straw, not happening.

O well, just focusing on real life for now then. btw, I hate cross country...its boring..I run..and run...and run...

LG out

...and runn....


  1. *Face Palm*

    Pro Computing tip:
    Generally if you can "load" your dell screen up to the point where you can choose safe mode your laptop hardware is fine. The problem is a software side. You probably didn't "clean" up the virus as well as you thought.

    The problem is your Operating System (Windows). What you want to do is:
    1. Backup any data on that hard drive you might want. Can go more in depth if you don't know how to backup a fried OS. (basically you need a 2nd computer, a basic screw driver, and a External HDD case)
    2. Though I doubt your getting "real" command prompt as it has been phased out since Windows XP.
    3. What you want to do is put your windows XP/Vista/ 7 CD in.
    4. During the Dell logo, should be able to hit some key (f2 or F8 or somthing) to reach setup.
    5. Change your boot order to "boot from CD" before it boots from IDE/SATA (or whatever your Hard drive is named)
    6. Your computer should boot your CD, and you will just want to reinstall windows. From here If you can't do it, find your most computer literate friend to do it for you D:


  2. rawr thanks XD. (runs off to show his computer literate friend your post and twiddle his thumbs)
