Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Allods....Missed you

So, I picked up Allods again. I found my old pc and saw that my dad completely wiped it and gave it windows 7 (which sucks imo).

After 2 hours of downloading the game and an 45 minutes more of Pearz and Force directing me on how to upgrade my graphics card on the chatbox of the almighty Pearz's Blog. I finally loged on to allods.

I was quickly greeted with a enormous lag...and killed within 5 seconds of logging on.

I have been away for far too long because everyone is lvl 42 while I am stuck at measly 40. Not only that but the warden re-vamp REALLY ... and I mean REALLLY blows.

You can not really be a hybrid anymore, it is one or the other, or suck at both.

Well me and my stupid self decided to go hybrid and the more I played the more I realized that I hate melee on wardens now.

They striped wardens of the armor rubies AND the natural resistance rubies AND our perception + agility rubies. Gone! what's the point of buffing wolf blow to an almost imba state if we can't tank shit?

It's like telling a Jew he won a million bucks and wave a turkey in front of him to eat before he goes to the gas chamber.

So with great power comes great squishyness, meaning literally next to no survivability.

Our Vitae can be stacked in 5s now and are baed on % and not on int which is nice. I recalled Ejac and Muxy loving vitaes I made so I didnt think twice on grabbing lvl 3 vitae and 3 medley rubies for a lovely 44% heal and 26% mana restoration.

Or natural balance cd is reduced even MORE to 1 minute and 30 seconds with all the cd rubies. I grabbed those as well. kinda blech....I still liked the old 15 minute renew over this buff off-heal.

Call of the Wild is 52 fucken epic seconds long with only a 3 minute cooldown now but I feel that the 3 lil stoogies don't do as much damage as they use to.

Our pet seems a lot squishier now as well but does nice damage.

Other then Wolf Blow being buffed nothing really good. I specced myself melee mainly despite being a hybrid but the more I play, the more I realize that the practical build is the caster build.

You can kite with caster and not be in harms way because your squishy as well and back up to be a more supportive role.

There are a lot of vague definitions on caster spells though so I am left quite confused on if I had to option of re-speccing, what build I would pick next.

I missed the free WoD event by a day so....great luck to me.

My favorite spell is the Tornado spell, it looks awesome and is a 4 call lightning in 1 spell haha. Caster seems way more versatile for pvp despite the lack of dmg done (but I'm not caster specced well so maybe if I specc more into caster the dmg would be better).

Melee seems harder to play, because as Pearz said: "we don't have a charge move". So not only do you need to run TO the target, they can run away and kite you. When you FINALLY get in the face of them, if you're facing a warrior or pally you're going to lose cause you don't have the better armor.

Melee Warden may be better at plain DPS for heriocs and stuff but in a pvp aspect, caster seems the upperhand (execept this is pure speculation cuz I haven't tried caster grid yet).

Lastly, Go visit Pearz's blog and read her short stories...they were shorty awesome reads haha.


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