Now this friend of mine is a GOOD GOOD friend of I can usually tell her everything and vice versa and we always been there for each other.
But anyway, when we discussed the topic of abortions being legal or not...she got very offended when I said I was more pro-life than pro-choice.
The more we debated and more involved we got, the more I realized that my outlooks on life and stuff were far more different than hers...I knew I was a changed man. I know hanging around a Catholic College for 2 years can change my views...but I also know that the views I have now are not nessesarily wrong or right.
Now I had no problem with her views, I fully understood her reasonings as to why abortion should be a right..and later we discussed the circumstances of an abortion being okay and I understand that with her, 3 months is the limit to having an abortion.
I understand her reasonings, EVEN though I do not agree or support them. But for some reason...she could not fathom or understand my outlook on being pro-life more then pro-choice. She even used a illogical fallacy of distortion..ei. attacking the person instead of the arguement. In which she insulted my college, saying they have brainwashed me, and I was a pure example of the Catholic Church Brainwashing at it's best.
It didn't occur to me at the time that she was using the illogical fallacy of distortion, I was more hurt of the fact that she would insult my inteligence and try to make me sound illogical and wrong.
Now my own personal views is, abortion should not be allowed after a certain point. ABORTION, is a PRIVELEDGE, not a RIGHT. I think abortion is 'okay' up until the first month.
Why do I say only 1 month? Because a girl knows when she has sex. She knows if she is using the pill, and she knows the morning after pill. I would hope, that today's technology was good enough so that a women don't rely on a missed period to tell them that they are pregnant.
It's like a child wanting a dog, the parents will say it is a priveledge to have a dog and alot of responsibility, you cannot just abandon the dog, you must take care of it, walk it, and play with it.
If women want the priveledge to be able to get an abortion, they should be responsible. Matter o fact an abortion would never be nessasary if women were responsible (I am not jabbing at women being irresponsible in general). We are all smart enough to know if we had sex or not...they should first be practicing contraception and using the pill, if not, we have those things that you pee into and turn blue and walla, your pregnant, or just plain take a morning after pill. I mean if all these steps were taken..abortion should never be needed. (and if you were still know you had sex..unwillingly or know..go get the morning after pill). (by the way, this is not to say men do not take the blame either, I am not saying it is all the woman's fault, men share the blame for being just as irresponsible, it just so happens that women are the ones harboring the fetus).
I also love little kids, and at Holy Cross College, we do not have a daycare system, our college is child friendly. Meaning the students of Holy Cross take care of the lil toddlers out of the goodness of our hearts and do not charge any fees. So yes, abortion strums my heartstrings a bit because I get flashbacks of those toddlers not being around.
Anyway, I won't go into full details of my philosophy on the matter. This is my view, you can agree or dissagree, and vice versa. I do not mind of other's views, I can accept them usually and not care to much as to what ppls views are and such.
The arguement got heated and it sounded like my friend was about to toss away our friendship over 1 simple difference in viewpoints.
So I began disscussing to her, how pointless and irrational it would be to dislike me for 1 view.
I personally, do not care what political stance you are, what are your views, and what are your priorities, or religion. If you are a great person to be around, none of that matters.
Ending friendships or disliking ppl because of the difference in background, religion,political stances and such is as naive as disliking and ending friendships because of the color of one's skin.
Anyway, this is just a little vent for me.
P.S. I recently discovered an AWESOME game called Continent of the's on Youtube...great game...except I believe it is genderlocked from what I can tell. At it is currently Korean server only I think? sad day....
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