Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Gay Dating World - Crash Summary

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Champion; Ziggs

Recently a new champion came out from League of Legends. Ziggs the Hexplosive Expert.

If you want my honest opinion he's almost like a brand; heavy heavy ap burst damage. His passive is almost identical to Lux.

I do enjoy playing him quite a bit but the scaling of his AP might be too much to handle.

Riot might be nerfing his AP scaling in the future but I hope not.

Along with the Ziggs patch was a NERF on my LEE SIN (WHY?!?!?)

The reduced his passive...so really why have the passive? as well as reduce the based damage off of his Q spell; Resonating Strike. I fail to see this concept due to the original plan of Lee Sin was the understanding that it was meant to be a ganker champion. The damage is based off of the missing health of the opponent; so yes, gank.

In any case I believe Lee Sin might have lost some capabilities but not utility; I however am now less motivated to play him.

They also buffed Jax to be able to proc his stun sooner then the 2 second timer; I would consider this a buff. They've been playing around with Jax these last few patches as though if they can't seem to get him right.

I wish they would release more support based champions. Soraka, Sona, Taric, Karma, and Janna off the top of my head are probably the only champions in the game that are capable of healing the team. I do certainly wish there were more choices to pick from (Nidalee also heals but I've never seen a support Nidalee lol)


Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'm Back!!

Yes I know; where the fuck have I been?

Well last semester was quite busy. I was doing Lacrosse pre-season practices, more readings, more assignments; utterly time- consuming.

This semester I realized that yet again - I must let go some of my childhood. Turns out I had to quit lacrosse in order to have enough time to commit to my classes.

I have to wake up everyday around 6-7 am to get ready for my classes as they start 8 am everyday.

Me and my boyfriend broke up (January 21st) recently and I'm oddly walking away unscathed from it. In summary, he can't trust that I would just be loyal to him and only him; as if I'm out of his league. Always checking my phone, always checking my facebook (yes he has the password to it), always checking my E-mails (yes he also has this password too), and the last straw was when he impersonated as other people and tried to get me to cheat on him with these so called "imaginary" people. If I can't earn your trust after 11 months of unwavering loyalty; I will leave, and so I did.

During winter break all I did was play League of Legends. I started playing Ranked Solo Que matches and realized; people suck. So if you play League of Legends please add me, Loveguardian, and when summer comes I'll rock your world.

I personally enjoy Rammus as my personal favorite when the team needs a tank. I play a mean Sona too.

Over the Winter Break I also gained other champions to test out and found other champions that I also have good synergy playing with; Mordekaiser, Brand, and my NEW personal favorite - Jarvan.

Mordekaiser is nearly unstoppable in late game. I've gone through some instances where it's 5 v 1 and somehow come out of it with 3-4 kills and alive. Early game I have trouble sustaining him but once I get some spell vamp it gets easier.

Brand is too fun to play with in mid lane. I level up his pillar first just to make last hitting minions easier and pushing the opposing champ back to the turret to lose all his/her last hits. His ultimate is utterly the most DEVASTATING move ever when it comes to teamfights. There's never been a time where I ever lost my lane in a 1 v 1.

Jarvan is my new personal favorite champ added to my collection. I gather a philosopher stone first followed by heart of gold and then proceed from there. He's a great solo top champion and after discovering him I personally always insist on a jungler whenever I pick him. I end up sometimes not only outfarming my opposing champions but also outfarming mid lane too. His ultimate works just great with the turret if anyone ever gets greedy and also is a great way to burn a flash. His passive actually works really great with Madreds Razor and is a fine dps tank if fitted with the correct items. I like solo top with him purely so that he can farm more and snowball more item completions. He's not as good as Rammus is in terms of tanking but he does have some ultilities that Rammus doesn't have and vice versa. I would say I play Jarvan whenever Rammus is banned in ranked haha.

Jarvan's Q spell is like a debuffer to all it hits. Then his E spell is a buffer to the team; doubling it on himself. Grab a Aegis of the Legion and it will be a double buff on nearby allies; making everyone an off-tank (I generally ask the support to grab this or someone else other then me LOL). If you combo his E + Q spell you can knock up enemies or go through walls. his shield spell slows enemies and makes him more durable. Lastly his ultimate burns flashes or keeps enemies in to get raped and prevent them from raping other allies.

Generally the final build of my Jarvan is usually down to the opposing team's composition; mostly AD/mixed/Mostly AP.

Frozen Mallet is the universal item I get regardless of team composition. The slow + hp makes a great utility for the tank.
Aegis of the Legion is optional depending on if someone else in the team got it.
Madreds is an item I grab if the opposing team has more then 1 tank. Or just to troll their tank.

Against a AD team - Thornail - Frozen Heart - Ninja Tabi - Frozen Mallet - Sunfire Cape - Madreds
Against a AP team - Banshees Veil - Frozen Mallet - Mercury Treads - Force of Nature - Warnog's - Atma's Impaler
Mixed Team - Mercury Treads - Thornail - Frozen Mallet - Banshees Veil - Madreds - Guardian Angel

Not set in stone but these are the general builds I usually come to like on Jarvan.

Till then - Back to my studies
