Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So...I'm still banned....QQ

Well, I find that there's not alot of things to do.

I started a new character, Legendarylove....made it a girl for lulz...only temporary till i find forclosure on Loveguardians status.

I still remain active in the forums as well with this alternative account. Not many seem to notice the 1 digit change in the username.

Some big discussions on the Plasma "Nerfs" and overall I can see that most people don't want this patch.

I personally like/ and dislike this patch.

I like it because I would hope that this lowers the market price on everything as well as hault some players from sponor spamming thier lvl and not obtain any skill in the process.

I don't like it because once upon a time we were all noobs and once upon a time most of us farmed. It's nice to see that many players on the forums also show the same concern. It really shoes just how good of a community we are.

whether this is permament or temporary, there seem to be alot of bugs, Best wishes to the GMs on clearing them up.

On an unrelated note...I found out recently that Pallas Athena SS nulls mute...muddle...and stone...o.O?

I was befuddled but I confirmed this by pvping a few times without my thoth SSed pvp helm.

Apparently its a bug due to the lvl x 0.02 change of reflecting magic had something to do with it?

Not sure how long this bug will stay, but for the moment I'll keep my SS exactly the way they are for now.

Lastly, I noticed Synthess started up her blogging.

Added it to my lil quicklist to the right. I personally enjoy some of the posts.

So Spring break is almost half over. On friday I'm going to my BF's house to spend the weekend so I believe from there on, I wave my goodbye to Megaten again as I go back to college.

Only things I got done this week was:

Get anti-melee(thank you synthess)
Get False-Comp (thank you Kenjipoopykins)
Rebirth Tarseque to next Tiwaz (thank you LezarTwo for assassin runs)

Too bad about my account banning, I won't be able to get my so desireable Sen Ryiu and expirement with those other new demons as well. Hopefully this is all one big misunderstanding.

P.S. Adult Swim Games like Unicorn attack and Polar Bear games were highly addicting. Thanks lndi for that XD.


  1. The Athena SS nulling Muddle/Mute isn't a bug... It has a chance of negating (or reflecting, whatever lol) Magic affinity, and when that happens you also negate Magic-affinity ailments on that hit. It's the same reason you can't inflict ailments on Loki (except Stone, since he doesn't nullify Death).
    At such low chances though, it's not a reliable means of protection from those ailments.

  2. Wierd because I spoke with many melees who abuse this Athena SS and even tested it myself.

    a lvl 90 nulls magic affinities at 18% with athena SS.

    that means that theres a 82% chance that it goes through.

    but whats contradicting is that all the melees I spoke with and witnessing it myself in pvp showed that no matter how many times I or they were cotwed, we were not muddled at all.

    that is a pretty high 18% if what you say is true.

  3. Actually, Shiki brought this up to Finella a few weeks back. Quoting her exact words:

    "The muddle/mute aspect is only from the 0.25% chance/level to void mystical. Not at all reliable."

    There's definitely something fishy going on in Aeria's server~

    Either way, the best way to test it is using a MB gunner with Mothman. The chance to inflict ailments from MB disregards resistance, though it still won't work if the opponent completely negates it.

    Make sure to note the hits that aren't 1 damage.

  4. meh, well I was intrigued by it. Not sure whats going on in the Aeria's server either, but I'll take your word for it.

    That means that I'll just keep my current SS gears and all will be well.
