Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Editted: Tears of Joy.....nvm

So apparently I am unbanned and should be recieving a E-mail soon.

Glorious day.

I'd like to thank the Administration Team and GM/GS for putting up with my frustration. God I knew I sent in a million RTs and bugged the crap oughta everyone.

*turn on happy slow music*

Loveguardian: Tarseque!!!! I missed you!!! *runs slow motion at turtle*
Tarseue: Rawr!!! *hobbles slow motion at Doofus Boy*

Tarseque: *eats Loveguardian*


Tarseque: You didn't feed me T.T

-LG out , unbanned, happy, content, dancing around the computer lab with everyone going wtf


Edited* (added content)

well...this is 15 minutes later...chin9116 got banned again....no E-mail sent...rofl..short lived happiness.

This emotional roller coaster is too physically taxing...I'm done for the day.

*turns off slow happy music*

Tarseque: *rawr*....*sniffle*....(chases LG as fast as his little legs can go but he keeps drifting farther away.

Loveguardian: Tarseque.....T-T


  1. Seems like the Ban Monster has a bipolar disorder.

    Perhaps you could bring this up to the Aeria forums, in the Accounts board? Not so much to discuss the bans themselves, but about the inconsistency of the administration behind it.

  2. Not sure anymore.

    I think it was done purposely? I find it ironic because the first time I was banned I also had no E-mail sent and when it was unbanned and I logged back on it, I was banned 15 minutes later due to account sharing -.-

    After solving this issue finally with GMSeraphim and got the Notification of unbannment, and logged back on, I am banned again 15-20 minutes later with no E-mail sent (just like the first time).

    Its a horrible rollercoaster trip right now, I already messaged GMseraphim about it.

    So far: Banned, Unbanned, Banned for account sharing, Unbanned, Banned again......

  3. They clearly have no idea what they're doing at this point. It's like they have 5 or 6 different people handling our cases and none of them can seem to agree on the outcome.

    Still waiting on the mysterious "email" that was supposedly sent over 13 hours ago regarding my account.

    I'm honestly waiting for them to make the excuse that their computer system is actually developed by Cyberdyne Systems and is the precursor to SkyNet; they have no control over it because it thinks on it's own.

  4. lol Royce were both frustrated.

    oddly enough im not really mad this time...idk why but I was kinda expecting this...which is odd and sad maybe?

  5. lol status update: GMSeraphim doesn't know what is going on and is currently investigating the issue.

    This makes me feel reassured....
