Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Racoon Jay's First music video

Well if I just posted the video and said "WATCH IT" ; I would become just another seemingly advertisement blog wouldn't I?

I decided to watch the whole thing and evaluate it with my new education and concepts from my filming class.

Before I slaughter the video; and my friend de-friends me on facebook and calls me cruel; overall it's not a bad video for a beginner.

-saved for later before at this point in time I have no time....-


September Ending

Time is kinda flying by. I kinda feel like a laundry machine; toss the shit in there everyday and I will wash/rinse/repeat everyday. It's quite boring and I really don't feel quite "alive". Almost like a machine.

I take a lot of moments in the day were I just look at the sky and take a deep breathe and have a "moment" with myself. It's oddly one of the rare few things that's kind of keeping me sane and refrain from just dropping all my books/responsibilities/and just run.

I miss my allods family. I miss my Holy Cross family, I miss playing LoL, I miss not being able to see my boyfriend everyday. My heart all lies 4 hours north of me. My brain tells me everyday that this is the correct place to be if I want to have a future and career, I know this; but my heart isn't here at all.

I'm so busy, busy, busy, busy. Barely any time for procrastination or leisure time. Hell, there's barely any time to even go to the GYM. I have even come to despise people that walk in the streets wearing suites; signifying that they are "grown ups"; they are "businessmen". To me; they are the broken souls that lost their individuality to consumerism and advertisement ploys mold the mindless souls into whatever they want them to be. I pity them, but I also know it won't be long before I will be one of them. I try in the smallest ways to hold on to any and all childish and fun characteristics of myself. The rollerblades I bought give me some enjoyment and memories when I go all over campus with them. It hit home when I was at the Wilkie Cafe and the manager told me to stop coming there with rollerblades because it was a safety hazard. I almost wanted to cry and lash out at her; I think her fat ass is public indecency and MORE of a safety hazard then me on roller blades.

With getting a REAL education now; the more I learn, the more I want to look away and run. I've learned so many things; many of which I wish I did not learn. Being a communication major; we study things like the history of consumerism; we study things like the errors and mistakes of economic advertisements and in my other classes; the mistakes and errors of environmental choices. I hate it; I absolutely hate it. It's a disease and the more you learn; the more you read; the more you research, the farther the disease spreads. Until it finally reaches your heart; it reaches your core, your very being and soul; the thing that holds you together. It destroys and feasts on all your happy memories of the past and infects them to be sad and depressing foresights' of the future. The worst part is; I know it's happening. I understand what's happening; and I can't do anything about it, but just accept it. It's so much saddness.....

I won't really go into details of what I've been learning in my studies...I could go on paragraphs and essays and chapters about what I've been learning and you wouldn't be able to understand most the gibberish...

I'm afraid the loving, happy, cheerful person I was...the good ole LG that logs in and every prepares for a pervy conversation; has aged 50 years....

I'll still smile....I'll still fake a laugh...I'll still pretend I am me...but deep down...I know that I'm slowly dying.

I can say...the second you learn the die on the inside.

-LG.....hating humanity.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Quitting Phase

As school starts again for most people; I see more and more people moving on/ taking breaks/altogether quitting allods.

Thus is normal to see for my point of view. Allods has slowly turned very cash shop/vanity itemed like Megaten; so I'm hoping this epidemic of people taking breaks will be seen as, "you guys are fucking up the game." to the providers and Devs of allods. Either way, I'm sure they will notice the lack of income from overall spending (or at least I hope, never know what nooby idiots will fund their paycheck this time).

I also see more people moving on to LoL. Great game; hardly any spending and its mostly for impatient people who want to own a lot of champions; or people who want skins, or buy the runes really fast because they are yet again; impatient.

Moving on to school ; it sucks pretty hardcore. They give a ton more homework then Holy Cross; on average I read 150-200 pages a day for all my classes together and it seems my entire day is spent walking around campus to go to my classes.

There's also a lot of asians here. At Holy Cross I was THEE only asian; now I am accompanied by 2934938493 of them; in a place where asians are the MAJORITY and mexicans are the minority. As of recently I even began noticing many asians giving me dirty looks as I walk past them. I have no idea why, nor do I care. But it is annoying when you're walking out of a food court with a friend and you notice every god forsaken asian turns their head and stares at you like an anti-christ or like they got some damn asian radar. There are many who are foreign exchange students; they try very hard to block the sun from their skin; our culture signifies that pale skin means you don't work out in the sun a lot; meaning you are either very wealthy or have a white collar job. Unfortunately I'm very tan as I don't acknowledge or even follow my native culture anymore being that I am a americanized asian. Frankly I think I look sexy tan.

I do enjoy their all-access internet. Holy Cross blocked many sites and as a honest bi man; it sucks not being able to wack off to some porn. But here at IUB the need is ALLWAYS satisfied; leaving me relaxed and having a great day. Did you know that an orgasm for a male or female releases hormones in your body that are relaxers as well as endorphins. It also makes your skin softer and can slow aging. So a little tidbit of info there; my general rule is doing it once a day.

There are a lot of good looking people here too. Many times during the day my "gay" radar goes off a bazillion times. Till the point where I believe my radar is broken and that I just wished certain people were gay because they look so good. After talking with a few friends and playing a game of "does he look gay to you?", We've established that my "Gay" radar isn't broken and that infact, Bloomington is just a really REALLY gay friendly place.

Anyway, sorry for the tedious post to those that even STILL read this long overdue blog. Hope all is well and have a great day.